Part 15

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Three days later ( Wednesday )
Grays POV
I wasn't ready for today. My head was still spinning from everything—the new meds, missing school on Monday because I felt like crap, and then Tuesday being taken up by that long appointment with the neurologist. Even though the doctor seemed nice, I couldn't shake how out of it I felt. The meds were supposed to stop the seizures, but all they've done is make me feel like I'm walking through a fog. It doesn't help that my absences are starting to pile up, and every time I blink, I feel like I'm missing something important.

Despite everything, things were good at home. Momma Layla had been visiting for a few days but left yesterday. She was really sweet to me, comforting me when the seizures got bad, and making me feel loved, making me feel like maybe things were finally okay—at least there. school? School was a a good different. Cooper had actually been nice for once and asked me to sit with him at lunch today, but I turned him down. Hanging out with Jack was way more calming. Jack just... gets it.

I sat with him in the cafeteria, the noise of everyone else fading away as Jack gave me this look, half worried, half knowing.

"You sure you don't want to go home?" he asked, setting down his drink. "You still look pretty out of it."

"I'm fine," I muttered, not wanting to admit how overwhelmed I felt. "I just need to get through today."

He held up his hands. "Okay, okay. But seriously, if you change your mind, just text me."

I smiled a little at that, thankful Jack didn't push it. He always knew when to back off, and that's what I needed.

But by the time lunch ended and I headed to English, something felt off. My stomach twisted as one of the office aides walked up to me.

"Gray McKenzie? Principal Sanders needs to see you."

My heart sank. "Me? Why?"

The aide just shrugged, and that knot in my stomach tightened as I made my way to the office. When I got there, I saw Eric sitting outside, looking way too smug. That's when my uneasiness turned into something worse—dread.

Inside the principal's office, Mr. Sanders was sitting at his desk with a serious expression. "Gray, do you know why you're here?"

My hands were shaking as I shifted in my seat. "No, I don't."

"I think you do," he said, his voice heavy. "We've called your social worker, Caroline, to meet with us."

Caroline walked in just then, and the concern on her face made my heart race. She gave me a small nod, but it didn't calm me down.

Principal Sanders cleared his throat. "We caught several students smoking weed on campus today. When we asked who gave it to them, they all pointed to you, Gray."

My whole world stopped. Weed? They thought I was dealing weed? I hadn't even touched that stuff, let alone sold it.

"I didn't do it!" I burst out, my voice cracking. Tears filled my eyes, and I looked at Caroline, pleading. "I swear, I didn't. I haven't done anything wrong."

Caroline stepped forward, her voice gentle but firm. "Mr. Sanders, Gray has been through a lot recently. I think we need to reconsider how to handle this."

But Mr. Sanders shook his head, looking down at his desk. "We have a zero-tolerance policy for dealing drugs. Gray will be suspended until we can finish our investigation. We're also required to notify the authorities."

I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. My breathing got shallow, panic taking over. How could this be happening? I hadn't done anything! How could they accuse me of something like this?

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