Chapter Twenty-Two

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Drip, Drip.. Thunk

Freddy slowly awoke again to find himself in the box once more slowly opening it and looking around, he didn't waste much time in the warehouse as he scrambled to the door attempting to open it only to find it locked 'great' he thought he looked around the place before spotting a vent. He also spotted a ladder "Am I really gunna do this?" He asks himself his voice raspy and rather deep "Fucking bet" he snagged the ladder and propped it up against the wall.

He climbed up the ladder and stared at the vent, he wasn't going to spend hours looking for a screwdriver so he just ripped the vent cover from the wall, it was surprisingly easy for the bear. He looked inside the vent before carefully climbing inside. Slowly climbing through the vent he grumbled "Couldn't they make these vents a little wider?" He wasn't exactly impressed that he was doing this he actually thought it was rather stupid. But he needed to see Gold, and Bonnie... but Bonnie would be scared Gold might be able to help him.

After hitting a few dead ends he made his way into the staff area through the vents, he knew he couldn't go back the way he came. He might have to make a new way back, he hopped out of the vent and looked around carefully. There was no one on the couch and he could see motion sensors on the floor waiting to catch him. 'Shit'

There was no way to get to any of the rooms without sounding the alarm 'they really went all out for this didn't they?' He thought making his way into the main area "Maybe I can find something of use?" He was pretty much talking to himself unaware that there was someone else in the room. He walked over to the stage and sighed shaking his head "Why couldn't I just have survived.." he looked down and took a shakey breath in.


Freddy would spin around coming face to face with a green rabbit, Springtrap. "Springtrap-" Freddy would say attempting to take a step back only to fall onto the stage "Freddy?" He said shocked setting his cup aside and jogging over, giving him a hand up "What happened to you?" He asks tilting his head in awe. "I don't know.." Freddy admitted lowering his ears "So your the one who decked Toy Fred a week ago-" he said trying to study the bear in the dull lighting.

"A week? And I didn't mean to.." Freddy had never been so scared in his life, it wasn't like Spring's Rep was flawless. "H-how's Bonnie?" Freddy asks causing Spring to freeze for a moment "He's pretty much forgotten you" he repiles with a soft shrug making Freddy look down "O-oh..." he sniffled lightly "Freddy you can't blame him it's been five years" Spring shook his head making Freddy glare at him twitching slightly

"I see your plenty of help." He growls softly "Hey, hey, calm down. Tell ya what, if you meet me in the warehouse tommorow I can try fix ya up so Bonnie won't call ya an ugly fuck hm?" Spring would say looking Freddy up and down, scrunching his nose to get the point across "Why would I trust you?" He asks narrowing his eyes "well what other choice do you have?" Spring asks crossing his arms.

The bear rolls his eyes and sighs "C'mon let's try fix you up" Spring grabbed his wrist and lead him towards parts and service. Freddy looked around the dark room, his back turned to the rabbit. He felt something collide with the back of his skull, he felt his vision blur as he fell to the floor the last thing he saw was Spring holding an axe "I'm not going to let you hurt him, G'night Freddy" he waved to Freddy as Freddy slowly blacked out.

Spring shook his head and hit Freddy a few times with the axe before dragging him to the warehouse once more, instead of leaving him in there he threw Freddy into the dumpster. "Tommorow you'll be at the dump with some new friends" he huffs and shakes his head looking up at the rising sun "Now if you don't mind me I have to get back to Goldie~" he made his way back inside and locked the door behind him.

Leaving Freddy in the dumpster, the poor bear now damaged and thrown away. His second chance of life taking a drastic turn. The dumpster was collected that morning, the bear was carried away in the truck like trash. His life unvalued, his memory slowly fading, soon he would be nothing. The truck would dump the waste into a landfill site, Freddy was laying in the rubbish. Once nightfall had taken over the light bright red eyes step towards the mountain of trash.


((Things get worse! Spring u bitch XD))

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