Chapter Twenty-Six

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Once Freddy had been fixed he was left on the table of parts and service so Gold could monitor him, Spring was busy working on fixing a clock. "Fuck.." he would look around the space, he shook his head and stood up looking around his and Gold's room. Currently Gold was napping on the bed, he sighs softly and walks to the door.

Slipping out of the room he made his way down the hall towards parts and service 'Just avoid Freddy and we'll be fine' he reminds himself. Walking into the room he walks past the bear and starts to dig through the spare metal before he heard soft beeping, he slowly turned around and looked at Freddy. Carefully approching he put his ear to the bear's chest first problem was that he was way too warm and the beeping was definitely coming from him.

Spring unbuttoned Freddy's shirt and opened up his chest compartment gasping when smoke came out, The coolent wire was on fire. Spring quickly ripped the wire out running to the cabniet he was looking for a spare but it wasn't there. Spring growled and opened his own chest digging past the sludge inside of him he pulled out his own coolent wire figuring he could get his replaced soon.

He ran over to Freddy and plugged the coolent wire inside the water that was already inside would start to cool his system down as Spring added more water to the tank, Spring's vision started to blur as he took a step back as he closed Freddy's chest compart before stumbling into the cupboard black filling his vision as he had accidently pulled out more than just his coolent wire. Spring collapsed to the floor laying on his stomach as Freddy slowly opened his eyes waiting for his system to boot before sitting up. Waving his face with his hand since well he was boiling.

Freddy would spot Spring on the floor and gasp, climbing off the table he got onto his knees and shook the rabbit "Springtrap??" He says confused "Wake up this isn't funny!" He said before stopping to just stare at the rabbit. Rolling him onto his stomach and putting his ear to Spring's mouth. He shook the rabbit once more before the door opened, Freddy looked to see Gold standing here. At first he looked confused "He isn't breathing.." Freddy said lowering his ears.

Gold ran over and crouched looking down at Spring. "Bunny? Bunny!" He shook him before putting his head to the rabbit's chest "He's deactivated..." Gold said flicking Spring's switch to no avail. Gold teared up and looked at Freddy "What happened??" He asks holding Spring in his arms. "I-I don't know I came around, boiling and he was on the floor..." Freddy said looking at the rabbit before the broken cable on the floor "Maybe that's why?" He asks picking up the burnt cable.

"It looks like one of Spring's hobby things I doubt that's the problem.." Gold sighs and sets Spring against the wall. Helping Freddy up he brought him to his room, Bonnie had spotted them and invited himself in "Freddy it's good to see your okay" Bonnie said rubbing his back "That's the least of my concern Bonnie... Spring powered down and we couldn't power him back up" Freddy explains making Bonnie lower his ears slightly as he saw how upset Gold looked. Bonnie was still mad at Spring but choose to not hurt Gold's feelings.

Bonnie patted Gold's back "Don't worry if we fixed Freddy we can fix Spring no problem" Bonnie said trying to be reassuring, Gold shook his head "Thanks for trying but I wish to be alone.. you two need to catch up and figure out what your going to do.." Gold said rubbing his eyes and sitting down on the bed. Bonnie and Freddy looked at eachother and left the room seeing that Gold didn't want the company.

Bonnie would hold Freddy's arm and leaned against him as they walked to the stage, Bonnie would sit down next to Freddy as they looked at eachother "So.. what are we going to do?" Bonnie asks making Freddy raise an eyebrow "Well I believe we will be able to try a normal relationship seeing I am not dying anymore?" Freddy said looking down with a soft smile, blushing lightly making Bonnie smile warmly and kiss Freddy's cheek.

Freddy went bright red in the face and leaned towards Bonnie, looking into eachother's eyes before Freddy leaned closer and kissed him on the lips, Bonnie's eyes widened softly before he kissed back wrapping his arms around the bear's neck as Freddy held his hips. "I love you Bonnie.." Freddy smiled as Bonnie cupped his cheeks "I love you too Freddy"

Gold opened the door of his room and made his way down the hall towards parts and service 'maybe I can fix him..' Gold thought sniffling as he wiped his eyes on his sleeves before opening the door to parts and service. He would look at Spring's deactivated body and walked over to him, kneeling down he placed a hand on the bunny's head causing a soft flinch from the rabbit



((Chapppppterrrrrr dooooone Ig)

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