Chapter Twenty-Four

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Spring quickly came out of the room, in his pj's and groggy beyond reason. He looked up at Goldie and tilted his head "Mm?" The rabbit wasn't sure what he had done but he was about to figure it out. Gold would slap the rabbit across the face, Spring hadn't expected to be slapped and it was a pretty hard slap too so he ended up falling over onto his side.

The other's gasped and looked at Gold as if he just killed the rabbit "Dude!" Toy Fred would say before Gold stopped him going any further with a deep growl. He crossed his arms and looked down at Spring once more "What. Did. You. Do. To. Freddy." He growls in a stern tone as Bonnie stood there in shock for a moment. "I-I.. I don't know what came over me... I just wanted him gone so he wouldn't hurt Bonnie again... I swear I didn't mean no harm!"

Gold would grab Spring's ear forcing him to stand, Spring whined and whimpered in pain as Gold dragged him by the ear over to the couch. He would point at what was left of Freddy, Spring's eyes widened in shock "I didn't do all that!!" He said struggling against Gold's grip, Nm would pipe up "You may not have hurt him so, but you tossing him in the trash did the rest"

((The couch has it's back towards the bedroom doors so no one can actually see Freddy without walking around the couch))

Gold looked at Nm in shock before looking down at Spring "You threw him out!?" He snaped as Bonnie walked around the couch his eyes widening as he stared at what was left of his old lover, the bear was too busy watching Gold loose his temper to notice Bonnie. Freddy slowly sat up with his one useable arm, Bonnie placed a hand on Freddy's back so he wouldn't fall back. Freddy looked up at Bonnie before pausing in shock, Bonnie smiled softly with tears forming in his eyes.

Gold actually stopped threatening to shove a pole up Spring's ass to watch the lil cute scene.. and left Spring to wonder what a pole up the ass would feel like. Freddy tilted his head and lifted his hand to gently cup Bonnie's cheek, Bonnie leaned into his hand softly and leant down so they were almost at eye level. Freddy blinked his one working eye before finally getting enough courage to speak "Bon-Bonnie.." he would whisper softly his voice glitching slightly.

Bonnie just hushed him softly and hugged him at this point Bonnie was full on crying "It's okay... I-I'm here..." Freddy said rubbing Bonnie's back softly, he didn't mind Bonnie's tight hug but any tighter he might break in half... Litreally. Bonnie could sense that Freddy was as fragile as a snail's shell so he loosned his grip and whimpered "We are going to fix you.." Bonnie sniffled before Gold huffed "Me and Spring will fix him and then I'll find a reasonable punishment for the rabbit" Gold growled making Spring whine as Gold refused to loosen his grip on the rabbit's wrist.

Bonnie nodded at glared at Spring "I expected better of you..." he said looking away, this made Spring lower his head in shame. Spring had tried to help only to massively fuck up. But let's be honest why did he think clapping Freddy fix anything?? Bonnie looked down at Freddy and gently picked him up, Freddy was missing alot of parts which made him all the more lighter. So Bonnie had no struggles carrying his partner who closely resembles brownies with spinach. (In other words oogly and gross)

Bonnie, Gold and Spring took Freddy to parts and service to fix him as Nm stood there like 'Awh shit now what-' he just looked at Toy Fred and blinked as Toy Fred and the gang blinked back awkwardly "You like Ritz crackers?" Chica would ask. Nm nodded "Haven't had 'em in years" He said before yelping when she grabbed his wrist and dragged him off to the kitchen.

Bonnie set Freddy on the table as Spring looked over all the parts "Watch your step Spring try anything and you'll regret it" Bonnie growled making Gold raise an eyebrow. Spring just growled softly and shook his head, not wasting his breath to reply something that would just go through one ear and out the other. Spring set a tool box and spare parts on the table. Gold looked through the parts as Bonnie flipped through an old folder for Freddy's manual, Freddy looked a bit nervous and started to whine.

Spring frowned at the whining but Bonnie just gave Freddy a hug "Calm down Fred, we'll power you down while we do this okay?" Bonnie said in a comforting manner. Freddy slowly nodded and lifted his head so Bonnie could reach the switch. Flicking the switch Freddy slowly powered down his left eye going dull and lifeless, Bonnie lowered his ears before Gold offered him a wrench.

Bonnie smiled softly and took the wrench the three starting to work to repair the once and now forever loved bear.

((Do u guys want me to make a side chap on Spring's punishment?? It'll be a joke chap ig or one to make peeps laugh. I'm not sure if this means the story is done or not idunno what to do next with Freddy as the poor fucker has had enough pain and suffering XD))

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