new video idea

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While all of the boys we're on a call for a video, with the exception of juicy, the boys we're joking about a new video idea.
They had just found out that the clown motel was a real place and they decided to go, joking that they would play Russian Roulette during their stay.

"woah whoa hold the fuck up." Josh had yelled as they scrolled to see the picture for a really life clown motel. "What is this?"

"The boys go to the clown motel in real life" Mully said.
"Stop playing with me man" Josh said pointing at the screen aggressively.
"Me and Eddie are trying to go to this bro." Narrorator said excited seeing the meme.
"Boys it a real place, boys." Eddie chimed in.
"It is a real place." Narrorator reiterated. "Eddie found it, and we might be going there."

"Can we play Russian Roulette there, in real life." Mully said seriously but obviously joking.
"Yes! One hundred percent." Narrorator played along.

They said nothing else about it for the rest of the video, but when the video ended the conversation came back up.

"Are we actually trying to go to the clown motel.?" Josh said hoping it was a joke for the reddit video.
"Yeah I've already been looking at it, me and Narrorator are hyped." Eddie said smiling.
I mean he was the mexorsist, he wasn't about to be scared of clowns.
"There is also a cemetery right next to it." Narrorator commented with a wholesome face.

Eddie's face kind of pales as this was new information to him.
"We should see if we can walk around there." Eddie said without thinking.
"It's a cemetery so probably." Narrorator shrugged.

"Narrorator can bring his gun." Mully chuckled, "For the game."

Narrorator took note while everyone else just wrote off the dark joke.
They were use to Mully saying stuff like that, but Narrorator had always been kind of dense.

"I'll tell juicy and we can all head over there next weekend." Eddie said before leaving the call.

"Fuck. I guess we are really doing this." Josh left the call next.

"I'll go choose a gun." Narrorator clicked off after Josh, leaving Mully alone.
"Yes a night with the boys." He said before the chat kicked him off for being the only one there.

The boys play Russian RouletteWhere stories live. Discover now