The game

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He put a single bullet into the chamber spinning it then pushing it back into place.
Pulling back the hammer spur pointing the barrel into his temple.
Lowering the gun he looked to his left where Eddie stared wide eye.
"What the hell grant?!" Josh finally got over the initial shock
"No one wants this. We don't want to die!"

Narrorator handed the gun to Eddie after pulling back the hammer spur again.
Eddie raised the gun to his temple shutting his eyes tight. Pulling the trigger.
Eddie let out a soft whimper.

"What the hell is happening?" Juicy yelled looking at Eddie who had complied to the game.

He clocked it again and handed it to Josh.
"What the fuck! Do you think I'm just going to do it too?" He said as the gun pressed the side of his head.
"What the fuck." He passed the gun to Mully who took it shrugging.
"Guess we are doing this."
Mully took the gun repeating the steps. Gun placed to the right of his head, pulling the trigger.

The gun fell first, hitting the dirt of the graveyard. Then Mully fell backwards. Blood pouring from his skull, pooling in the black hoodie he was wearing from the boys store.

Juicy let out a breath from shock, fear, and relief.
He was scared he felt relieved of his dead friend but he was next.

"Mully!" Josh screamed reaching to his roommate feeling his neck. "He's gone." He dropped back to his spot.

"This is over, you killed Mully!" Juicy screamed at Narrorator who had leaned over grabbing the gun again.

"We need a winner." He said in an unfazed voice.
"It's not fair you haven't gone yet." Narrorator's voice sent chills down juicys back in a different way he's used to.
Putting in a new bullet spinning the barrel again, he clocked it handing the gun to Juicy.
"I'm not doing it!" He said as he noticed everyone starting at him. Josh with tears in his eyes.
Juicy looked down at Mully's dead body.
He shakily raised the gun to his head, tears escaping his closed eyes.
Gaege had the driest mouth he had ever had but he was happy he was still alive to feel thirsty.

"Round two."
He raised the gun quickly pulling the trigger starting the loop over again, handing it back to Eddie.

The boys play Russian RouletteWhere stories live. Discover now