The clown motel

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They pulled up in a van they were all cramped in for the past 5 hours.
It was hot with all 6 people in the car, especially with all of Eddie's bathroom breaks. His small bladder was a harsh topic for the ride.
But they got out of the car stretching.

Juicy jumped out chaotically landing in a superhero landing. He was not involved in the planning and honestly had no idea where they dragged him.
He was just glad to not have been pulled into the car. They would have but it was so stuffed when they picked him up.

Because they were arguing who would get the flordia man in this scary motel they ended up making him have his own room.

"Here 3 room keys." Rick the owner had handed them the keys after telling them the lore of clowns there and their rooms.

"I have to be alone?" Juicy asked looking kind of nervous. He never did really well in the haunted videos.

"Me and Kevin are in a room, narrator, Josh, and Mully are in the most haunted one. You will be fine Gaege." Eddie patted Juicy's shoulder. "You have the wrestling alligators dna."

"You're right." Juicy said slapping Eddie's butt.
"Aye mami!" Eddie joked handing Juicy his key.
They headed in Josh's room and recorded them looking at all the rooms and their reaction to the graveyard before heading back.
They walked back in Josh's room seeing the ceramic clown turned around.

They freaked leaving their room turning off the cameras and headed to the graveyard.
Narrorator was carrying a purse.
No one knew why but they should have asked.
What Narrorator did next no one expected.

He sat on the ground next to a grave gesturing everyone else to sit down as well.
Confused they followed suite sitting in a circle carefully not touching any of the Graves.

Narrorator opened the purse and pulled out a colt .38.

Everyone just stared for a few seconds.
"What the fuck?" Juicy said breaking the silence.
He was sitting to the right of Narrorator.
"I don't know why you brought a gun but I don't want to know." He started getting up but quickly got pulled back down by Narrorator.
"Narrorator I was just joking." Mully said comforting grin on his face.
"I never joke about guns." Narrorator said clicking the chamber out.

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