The End

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A scream.
A girl screaming?
No it's Eddie's scream.
Why would Juicy be hearing Eddie screaming. Isn't he dead? Aren't they both dead? Is this the afterlife. It's so dark and warm.
Thud thud thud thud
What is that noise.
Quickly that question was answered.
With a flash of light.
It took a second for my eyes to adjust but I could see him.
"Eddie?" Juicy said sleepishly..
"I had a nightmare." He said wide eyed.
"So did I apparently." Juicy sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"I died. We were playing Russian Roulette and Narrorator was pretty sus. I couldn't stop myself." Eddie's eyes looked a bit watery.

"I had the same dream." Juicy said looking at him with astonishment.
"I think we all did." Josh said rolling over in his spot next to Juicy.
"JOSH!" Juicy cheered as he hugged his friend.
"uh sorry." Juicy backed off after cracking his friends back.
"I only know up til my my death though." Josh said looking at Juicy.
"Why did we all have the same dream?" Eddie asked looking baffled.

"I don't know. But we should talk to Narrorator." Josh said getting up from the bed.
They went to the room that was supposed to be Eddie's and Kevin's.
Knock knock knock
They waited until Grant opened the door.
"Oh hey guys." He said with a toothbrush in his mouth, clearly getting ready for the day

"We all had the same dream last night." Eddie crossed his arms.

"You all dreamt about dogs with emo haircuts enslaving the human race? wow."
"What? No we dreamt we all played Russian Roulette because you brought a gun here." Juicy said kind of angerly.
"I didn't bring a gun here. I was joking about that." He said taking the toothbrush out of his mouth.
"Mully knew I was joking."

"Mully died first, where is he." Josh look inside seeing Mully still asleep on the bed.
"He woke up saying he died and then went back to sleep immediately." Narrorator said moving out of the doorway letting them all in.
Eddie jumped on the bed next to Mully causing him to get some air. "Woah what the hell."
Mully got off the bed looking at the culprit.
"We all dreamt the same thing." Josh said ignoring Mully's confusion.
"Narrorator making us kill ourselves? Why?"

"We don't know. Maybe a ghost was fucking with us." Eddie said.
"Like a ghost took Narrorator form and made us go through killing ourselves." That is fucked, Juicy shivered looking around.

"So what happened?" Mully asked. "Who 'won'? Who made it to the end?"
"I died and Narrorator and Juicy were the only ones left so what happened juicy?" Josh said.

"Well... After Josh died I had the gun next... then it went to Narrorator and the gun went off." Juicy said looking at the bed and not at anyone. "Then I called the cops and woke up." He  chuckled.

"Well Juicy won if you can call that dream winning, which you can't." Mully laughed.

"I'm not doing anymore haunted places you guys are on your own." Juicy said leaving the room to pack up what he brought to the car.

They all left with that weird experience engraved in their memories.

The boys play Russian RouletteWhere stories live. Discover now