Game over

21 0 0

Juicy opened his eyes, his outstretched arm aiming at his friend.
Narrorator stared at him then he cough into his hand.
Blood sprawled out on his fingers.
He fell backwards passing out from bleeding out.
Juicy threw the gun at the ground.
What was he going to do. All of his friends were dead and he.. he was too.
He stood up, legs a bit wobbly from the fear. He went over to Josh.
Putting his head in his lap.
He felt for a pulse just in case.
But Josh's body was already cold. Cold and dead.
All. of them dead.
Juicy carefully put his head back to the ground and walked over to Narrorator's dead body.
"Why did you do this." He said putting his hand through Grant's hair.
He reached in Grant's pocket finding stray bullets.
He fully loaded the gun, span the camber and pulled back the hammer spur and sat back in the circle.
Not much of a circle anymore with the bodies laying down.
He didn't want to live without his friends.
Not when he lost them all at one time.
He didn't know what to do.
So he raised the gun to his head and pulled the trigger.

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