🥀Chapter 2🥀

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•3rd POV•

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•3rd POV•

Itadori and Belle were walking down the road, Itadori leans in a little to see what Belle was reading. Then Gaston came up behind Itadori.

"Hello Yuji."

"Bonjour Gaston."

Itadori was reading, but then the book was taken out of his hands. "Gaston, may I have my book please?" Itadori asked, he reaches for the book.

"How can you read this? There no pictures."

"Some people use their imagination." Yuji says smirking a little.

"Yuji, it's about time you got your head out of those books and payee attention to more important things."

Gaston gets in the way of Itadori, who was about to get the book from the mud puddle.

"Like me." Gaston added.

The three woman from before just sigh looking at Gaston.

"The whole towns talking about it. It's not right for a beauty like you to read.  Soon they start getting ideas and thinking..."

"Gaston, you are positively primeval." Yuji says, he gets up from the ground holding the book, wiping off the book.

"Why thank you Yuji."

Itadori was surprised a little, he knew it wasn't a compliment, but Gaston though of it as the opposite.

"What do you say, you and me walk over to the tavern and take a look at my trophies?" Gaston asked, he wraps his arm around Itadori and starts walking.

"Maybe some other time..."

"What's wrong with him?" "He crazy!" "He's gorgeous!" The last woman was talking about Gaston.

"Please Gaston I can't, Belle and I have to go home and help her dad. Goodbye." Yuji says.

Lefou starts to laugh, "The crazy old loon! He needs all the help he can get!" Then Gaston starts to laugh.

"Don't talk about my father that way!" Belle snapped.

"Yeah, don't talk about her father that way!" Gaston says, hitting Lefou on the head.

"My father is not crazy, he's a genius!"

Then some smoke started appearing form the house. The duo rush back to the house. Gaston and Lefou continue laughing.

Belle opens the hatch, and a bunch of smoke coming out. And there was Belle's father, he was stuck in a barrel.

"Papa?" Belle asked.

"How on earth did this happen? Dog gonnit!" Maurice, pulls the barrel off his waist along with his pants.

"Are you alright papa?"

"I'm about to give up on this hunk of junk!" Maurice says, he starts kicking the machine.

"You always says that." Belle says.

"I mean it this time. I'll never get this bonehead contraption to work." He says.

"Yes you will, and you'll will first price at the fair tomorrow." Itadori says.


"...and become a world famous inventor." He added.

"You really believe that?" Maurice asked.

"We always have." Belle says. Itadori chuckles a little.

Maurice became determined, "Well what are we waiting for. I'll have this thing fixer in no time." He slides underneath the machine.

"Hand me that dog-legged clencher there... So, did you two have a good time in town?" Maurice asked.

"We got new books. Papa do you think we're odd?" Belle asked.

"My daughter and her best friend? Odd?" Maurice gets out from underneath the machine with an odd look goggle contraption on his head. "Where would you get an idea like that?" He asked.

"Oh I don't know. It's just we don't know if we fit in. And I dunno who to talk to besides Belle." Itadori says.

"What about Gaston? He'a handsome fellow!" Maurice stated.

"He's handsome alright, and rude and conceited and... He's just not right for me." Itadori says.

"Well don't you worry, cause this invention's going to be the start of a new life for us!" Maurice comes from under the machine. "I think that's done it. Now let's give it a try."

The machine whirrs and it starts chopping wood, just as it should.

"It works!" Belle says.

"I does? It really does!"

"You did it! you really did it!" Says Itadori, he gives Maurice a tight hug.

"Hitch up Phillipe, you two. I'm off to the fair." Maurice says. A log strikes Belle's father in the head, knocking the man out.

"Goodbye papa! Good luck!" Belle waves her dad, and so does Itadori.

"Goodbye you two, and take care while I'm gone!" Maurice says. He goes further onto the trail.

It's been a while since Maurice had left Belle and Maurice at the house. And the man was starting to get lost.

"We should be here by now. Maybe we missed a turn. I guess I should've taken a... Wait a minute." Maurice life his lantern and it illuminates a sign giving directions to Anaheim and Valencia.

"Let's go this way!"

Phillipe looks to the right and there was a darker and overgrown path, and to the left it was much more inviting. Phillip moves to the left.

"Come on Phillipe! It's a shortcut. We'll be there in no time!" Maurice says.

He and Phillipe both continue to go through the path on the right, which was dark. After some more time, they got lost once again.

"This can't be right. Where have you taken us Phillipe? We better turn around and...woah...woah boy...woah Phillipe. Oh, oh! Look out!"

A swarm of bats fly out of a tree. Phillipe runs through, avoiding everything until he nearly runs over the edge of the cliff.

"Back up! Back up! Back up! Good boy, good boy. That's good. That's- back up! Steady. Hey now. Steady."

The horse bucks off Maurice. "Phillipe!"

Phillipe run away leaving Maurice on the edge of the cliff. Maurice looks up and he sees wolves growling at him. The man gets up and runs away, being chased by the wolves.

Maurice stumbles down a hill and he land in front of a castle, he grabs the locked gate and tries to shake it open.

"Help! Is someone here?"

The gate opens and Maurice runs in. He slams the gate in the faces of the wolves. Leaving his hat on the ground as the rain begins to fall, Maurice runs to the castle and bangs on the door. It creaks open and he enters, cautiously.

"Hello? Hello?"

Another chapter is done! I'm gonna take a small break and make a couple more!

Bye my luvs ♡

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