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-> POV Joshua ( Jisoo )

After several minutes, the boy finally stopped hitting me, spat on me before leaving, and left me there, on that icy sidewalk, I honestly don't know why since I arrived he's had a grudge against me, I've never done anything to him though, you never know really he spends his time insulting me, putting me down, comparing me to others, asking me to go back home. He's really stupid if I ran away from home it's not to go back.
With the little strength I have left, I manage to get up, lean against the wall in front of me and my vision becomes blurred. I shake my head frantically to regain stable vision, but it's still very unclear. I feel my legs trembling, my hands shaking too and suddenly my body goes limp, and I vomit. I'm disgusted, I'm disgusted. How can I clean this up? I look around me and luckily there's no one around, so I decide to take some tissues from my jacket pocket and clean it up, even though we're outside, this discharge is filthy and has no place here. So I hurry to clean it up as much as possible, once it's better I put my tissues in the garbage can and start walking towards my establishment, I'm in so much pain that I'm limping, but I get to my establishment all the same, once I'm near the gate, I hear voices ringing out, voices that insult me, belittle me and make me understand that I still don't belong here among them, I've had so much of all this. All the same, I move forward, at an extremely slow pace, and enter my school, slowly making my way to my classroom and then into it. Inside there's already Jeonghan and Seungcheol, the inseparable duo of the class and the school, loved and respected by absolutely everyone, both rich, both handsome, both kind, both intelligent, both athletic, both attracting boys and girls alike.
The exact opposite of me.
I look at them slightly envious, but finally I look away and go to settle down in my seat, then a few students arrive, along with my worst nightmare, yes he's in my class, when I said I was jinxed I really wasn't joking, plus this one is behind me, during the whole class, he kicks my chair with his feet, he pokes me in the back of the neck with his scissors, he sends me pellets of paper with insults on them. It's a daily ordeal, but I can't say to him "leave me alone" and the teachers are blind, well mostly blinded by JeongCheol, I'm almost jealous.
The first classes go as usual, but with the urge to cry, the urge to leave and above all the urge to vomit returning. I dare to raise my hand and the teacher notices me. I ask her if I can go to the toilet, as I'm not feeling well, and she says yes, but only if the delegate accompanies me to it.

Guess what, our class rep is Jeonghan...

Fuck my life


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