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-> POV Joshua ( Jisoo )

The day went off without a hitch apart from Chula, who literally ran after Jeonghan at every opportunity, but that's not important.
At the moment I'm walking home alone, thinking of my friends, and this makes me smile inside, I still can't smile openly, it's still hard for me to be expressive.

" Hong Jisoo. " This voice..

Damn him again? I'm fed up he doesn't want to leave me alone? I'm going to end up believing he has feelings for me so much he's chasing after me, unlike usual I don't turn around, I keep my back to him and keep moving towards my house, I know for a fact he doesn't like my action at all because I hear his footsteps speed up behind my back and finally he catches up with me, His hand rests on my shoulder and he turns my body to face him, our eyes meet and he doesn't wait another second before slapping me, unlike the other times my body remains straight and stoic, so he slaps me a second time. Then a multitude of times, but I don't move, I just don't have the strength anymore.
Seeing my lack of reaction, Sovin has had enough, so he grabs the collar of my shirt and gives me a huge punch in the nose, which starts to bleed. I don't even bother to wipe it off, I just let it run down my lips and then onto my clothes.

" I'm doing everything I can to get you to join him, why do you go on living? Join him! And leave Jeonghan alone he's made for my sister not you. " This brat..

He gives me one last blow, then lets go of my collar and pushes me away from his person, my back meets a wall and for once I let out a grunt of pain, and a tear comes rolling down my right cheek, I sigh as I see Sovin walk away, personally I stay there, in order to put my emotions back in place, in the moment I became nothing but a shadow of myself, I felt no pain, no suffering, absolutely nothing.

" Joshuji? " I recognize that sweet voice.

My head turns slowly towards my friend, he looks at me with fright and horror, without hesitation he comes to my side then looks at me from every angle before realizing that apart from my face I have nothing, he sighs no doubt relieved and looks at me deeply before asking for my hand, I give it to him gently and he leads me inside a building, honestly I have absolutely no idea where I am, all I do is follow my elder, after several minutes walking through the corridors of the building we finally stop in a room, he asks me to sit down on a chair so I listen to him and he leaves I don't know where.

" Oh, hello ? You're a new tramp, aren't you ? " Who is it ?

And a Tramp ? No absolutely not, so I'm in a music agency ? And Jeonghan is one of the trainees ?

" Oh, are you okay, Ming ? I didn't even see you come in. " Ask Jeonghan.

" It's okay hyung, is this a new trainee ? " Respond the male

" No, I brought him here because it was close and I need to treat him. "

" I'll leave you to it, then I'll go and train with Jun. "

" Careful with your collarbone though. "

At the same time, another boy arrives: Jun. He's staying with us at the school, but I had no idea he was training here, so that's interesting.

" Jun, please take care of Minghao. " Say the older softly

" I know how to take care of my boyfriend hyung. " Respond Jun.

Then he grabs Minghao's wrist and drags him out of the room, then Jeonghan turns to me and he starts taking out stuff in order to take care of me.


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