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-> POV Joshua ( Jisoo )

> In the evening

I'm getting ready in my bathroom, dressed in a classy outfit given that this is a rare and exceptional event, so I've got an oversized white tee-shirt, a black overshirt over it, a black leather jacket finishing off my top, and I've got just a pair of black pants, with white converse at the bottom. I scan my reflection in the mirror and decide to do something I've never done before: put on make-up. To help me I watch a tutorial on YouTube and after several minutes I finally figure out how to do it, I quickly finish my look like this, and also put on some jewelry, honestly I can't recognize myself, it doesn't look like me, but I like this style.
Jeonghan has sent me a message to say that he's picking me up at around 8.30 p.m., and when I look at my watch I realize that doing this make-up has taken longer than expected, it's time to go, and to accompany my thought I hear my doorbell ring, so I quickly get out of my shower room, and don't forget to take my phone. I finally arrive at my door and open it. Damn, he's handsome," was the first sentence that crossed my mind when my eyes landed on his person.
His clothes are black and electric purple, his hair is tied back with a rubber band and his make-up is dark.

" Who allowed you to be so breathtaking ? " Say Jeonghan to me, his eyes shine so brightly

" I could clearly say the same for you. You're amazing like that hyung. " I reply

" Thank you. "

Finally I leave my house and lock my door, then with my eldest we start walking towards our establishment in order to go to the party, once we arrive near it I see that everyone is masked, but, is this a joke? How could I have forgotten? I'm such an idiot.
I turn to Jeonghan and he's put his mask over his eyes, it's really beautiful, in the same colors as his outfit, glittery and feathered.

" Where's your mask " Ask my oldest

" I totally forgot we had to wear a mask. " I say shyly

" You're lucky I'm thinking of you. "

Following this sentence he hands me a mask, black and white and on top of that it's in theme? But how does he always make sure I don't lack anything it's not possible I'm going to end up believing he's secretly living with me. I lose myself in my thoughts once more, then Jeonghan brings me back down to earth; he grabs my hand and interlaces his fingers with mine before dragging me off to join the other students in the school. It's easy to find our friends in the bleachers of the basketball court. All the couples are seated side by side and Jeonghan and I sit next to each other on the last step, even though we've arrived with the others, our hands don't let go of each other, honestly as long as he doesn't take his off I don't take mine off, it's fine there, I don't even know why he took my hand in the first place, but I don't mind, quite the opposite.
Chan taps me on the shoulder, I turn gently towards him and we start talking about anything and everything, the evening is going really well, until the music starts playing and obviously this kind of music has to be part of a ball doesn't it... a slow dance...

Fuck my life


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