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-> POV Joshua ( Jisoo )

Sovin dragged me to an isolated corner outside and started hitting me again, spitting horrors in my face, telling me that I don't deserve to stay with Jeonghan, that he's not gay like me, and that he doesn't need someone like me around, he shouldn't catch my virus, he should stay straight and go out with his sister, I don't really understand why she ended up in this discussion but anyway, all I know is that he likes to hit me, I'm still not defending myself, there's no point anyway, it's ridiculous to answer hate with hate, so I might as well let him take it out on me, as his blows become more and more violent and his words harder and harder, my body starts to feel weak, little by little I let myself fall to the ground and he continues to hit me, this time it's his feet that are violating my stomach, I can't take it anymore, I've got no strength left, I feel liquid coming out of my mouth, it lands on the ground. It's blood.
He's really going to kill me, but is it really that serious? Maybe it's just my destiny to be killed by a crazy classmate, I think.
I tried to get up, I tried countless times but nothing, my body categorically refused to get up, I began to cry softly, I found myself pathetic once again, ridiculous even. Suddenly I feel rain slapping against my face, so I allow myself to cry some more, I try to get up again and this time I succeed, I try to walk inside the establishment but after three steps I collapse on the floor again, I'm sorely lacking in strength and I can feel it. So I just lie there, on the icy tarmac, in the freezing rain, in the aggressive wind. I'm trapped here anyway, who's going to help me? Nobody, nobody is interested in me, nobody is friends with me, nobody cares for me, nobody understands me, nobody helps me.
But the person I have to blame is myself. I don't want anyone to be interested in me, I don't want to have friends after the death of my pillar of friendship, I don't want to be looked after, I don't want to be understood, and I certainly don't want anyone to help me.
Of course I accepted Jeonghan's help but I had no choice, he and the teacher wouldn't let me say anything, so I put up with it but see for yourself I was right not to lean on him too much because he'd already forgotten me anyway, I'm just another student after all.
I don't know how much time has passed, but probably an hour, because I see my worst nightmare coming back to me.

" Fucking die, damn it. " Say Sovin with annoyance

Then he gives me another huge kick in the stomach with his foot, I cough up blood once more, then he abandons me to no doubt return to class, I start to get a headache as the rain intensifies and my pains become more and more violent, I sigh...

" Jisoo ?! "

And my eyes close...


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