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-> POV Joshua ( Jisoo )

~ A few days later ~

It must be a week now since the video was shown to the school and the stalkers have all had a disciplinary council and have all been kicked out of the school. To my great delight I don't see Sovin anymore, and I think to Seungcheol and Chan's great delight they don't see Chula anymore. Since they've been kicked out, the school has become really calm and collected, full of gentleness, benevolence, calm and above all happiness, which can be seen in the smiles and laughter of the students, even the teachers seem to be calmer, it's really nice to come to school without any nerves.
Right now I'm sitting in the bleachers of the basketball court, watching Jeonghan play with Seungcheol. Yes, the two have made up, and that's good, because seeing their duo far apart is not a normal situation. Chan and Hansol have joined me in the stands and my eldest son is looking at me, so I look at him too.

" You still haven't told him? " Ask Hansol to me

" No, I don't feel like taking the wind out of my sails. " I respond

" Are you talking about Jeonghan hyung? My guess is that he won't say no. " Chan say..

" Ask him to go on a date with you tonight, it's a special day too. " Say Hansol

"  Oh yeah, it's the prom..." I say..

" We're all going with our boyfriends, and Seokmin is going with Mingyu's sister. " Chan respond

" So you move your pretty little ass and ask her to be your date. " Hansol concluded

I sigh tilting my head back I don't know if this is a good idea honestly he's probably going with someone else he's had so many requests besides, he's bound to have said yes to someone already.
As I get more and more lost in my thoughts, trying to think of an excuse not to ask Jeonghan to go with me and not to go to the prom, I think I'm going to have a good time. The iconic duo are back in our midst, Seungcheol running after Chan to hug and kiss him, but the blond runs away from him because he smells of perspiration - and he's not the only one, by the way.
Jeonghan approaches me, and I put my hands in front of me to push him away. My eldest's laughter reaches my ears and does me a world of good, it's clearly the best melody of all. After several minutes of fighting, Jeonghan finally gives up and comes to sit by my side.
I can feel Hansol looking at me, then he smiles and leaves me alone with my eldest, am I supposed to call that "friend"?

" Who are you going with tonight ? " Ask me Jeonghan

" With myself, and you ? " I respond

" Honestly I was going to ask you, because the guys are going with their guy and Seokmin is going to be with Chin, so it's just the two of us. "

" Didn't anyone ask you ? "

" Half the establishment almost, but I turned everyone down."

" Why ? "

" I clearly want to spend this evening with you, Joshuji ~ "

I blink disturbed by his revelation and he takes advantage of my moment of beugue to place a kiss on my cheek and then abandon me, I'm not surprised that he's done this to me because recently he's been placing kisses on me often, on my forehead, cheeks, the tip of my nose and even my hands sometimes, I don't really understand but maybe tonight with the help of this evening I'll understand.


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