Chapter 9

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Maggie met Wanda a few days later as she pulled into the gated driveway of his Malibu home. It was nice, a little more secluded than some of the others that she had passed, but then again she supposed that girls would probably try to break in all the same.

"I'm Wanda, Steve's housekeeper". The redhead said with a smile as she opened the door to greet Maggie. "Come on in, he said that you were looking to stay in the guest house?"

"He's looking to make me stay". Maggie corrected her. "But I've already decided not to anyway. I'm just here so I can say I've been and looked".

Wanda chuckled. "He told me you'd be like this. He likes you a lot - never known him to be so hooked".

"Not even on drink and drugs?"

"Not even that". Wanda replied and led Maggie through and out the side to where the guest house was across a small courtyard. "So this is very rarely used unless he's got Bucky staying - even then they mainly use the house so it's pretty much just sat here doing nothing". Wanda said, unlocking the door and walking in. "Here you are - go have a look around, although I know you said you've already made up your mind". She smiled knowingly. "I'll be in the kitchen of the house if you need me".

Maggie looked around, the place spotless and not lived in. She had to admit that it was quite nice. It was quiet. Far quieter than she'd expected for Steve. As she stepped out onto the balcony of the upper level of the guest house, through the trees she could even catch a glimpse of the ocean.

It almost seemed a far cry from her tiny and dingy old apartment. It was light and airy, although Steve himself seemed to be the embodiment of darkness.

She had certainly misjudged him on some things, that was for sure.

Leaving the guest house and crossing the courtyard, entering to the area of the main home by a gate, she looked around the backyard - a pool with grassy areas, shaded by trees looked appealing too.

Inside the kitchen, Wanda was busy cleaning before she noticed Maggie and stood up from her knelt position. "You all done?"

"Yep...all done". Maggie nodded. "Thanks again for letting me look around".

"No problem, I'll see you out".

Turning out of the driveway and heading back through the gate, Maggie made her way back to The Zion and went into the office, closing the door behind her. Taking the slip of paper from her pocket, she dialled the number and asked for the name on there. "One moment ma'am, just putting you through now". The hotel receptionist said and connected the call to the room in question.

"Magpie". Steve's voice sounded at the end of the line.


"I know what you're gonna say - 'thanks but no thanks. It doesn't matter, at least you went and took a look like I asked". He said.

Maggie winced mentally, the feeling of defeat returning again. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but...when do you think I could move in?"

He was silent for a moment. "Well...this is a turn of events".

"Shut up Rogers, before I change my mind". She huffed. "Look, it's real nice - and I guess I can't keep sleeping in the storage room, if the offer is still there, I'd like to take it - but only until I'm back on my feet again".

"Sure thing. I'll let Wanda know. She can leave you the keys and the other stuff that you'll need to know. Oh, and I'll sign some wager or whatever with you that states if we do cross paths, you can kick me in the dick - you did say you wanted it in writing after all didn't you?"

Maggie nodded, even though he couldn't see her. "Yeah...anyway, er...thanks".

"No problem, but it would be nice to come back and get to know you better Magpie. I really mean it". He replied.

"I know...anyway thanks..."

"Oh and Magpie?" He stopped her before she put the phone down.


"If I were you I'd steer clear of Brock Rumlow...he's worse than Rocket and me put together".

Maggie paused, wanting to tell him to mind his own damn business, but didn't. "I won't be seeing him again. Trust me, it was a drunken fuck".

"You don't need to explain yourself to me. I don't care who you sleep with or bring back to the guest house. Just - be wary of them , ok? I don't wanna come home to find all my shit gone".

His voice was replaced with the dial tone, hanging up before she could have the chance.


So that was what he had felt like on all the times that she had hung up on him. 

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