Chapter 16

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Waking up had been a strange occurrence, and even later than she was used to. They hadn't fallen asleep until at least 5am, and now as Maggie turned over to glance at the clock, she noted it was now almost midday. Glancing to the space next to her, Steve was sleeping peacefully still, hair falling over his face in parts. The only time he ever seemed to have any calm.

Her fingers traced the tattoos he had on his chest, although she'd noted others - wondering whether they all symbolised anything specific or if he'd just been drunk while getting them.

Perhaps a mixture of both.

Stretching out and stirring, he wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her onto him. Kissing her nose. "Here was me thinking you'd ditch me Magpie..."

She laughed lightly and rested her head on his chest. "Your bed is comfier than mine".

"Even more of a reason to stay in it then". He pressed a kiss to her hair and shifted slightly so they were both a little more comfortable. "Perhaps you should come sleep in it every night".

"As much as I'd love that, I shouldn't..."

He frowned, "Why not?"

"Because I don't know what this I'm still not sure".

Steve let out a small sigh. "You mean you're not sure about me. Mag, I know you don't wanna get into the life I have. You don't have to..."

There was a pause. "You're in one of the most well known bands right have women throwing themselves at you, alcohol and other substances at your disposal. You can't have all that and expect me to be ok with it".

"So what it comes down to is that you don't trust me". He stated. "Maggie...I would never look at another woman if I knew you were all mine. I've already shown I wouldn't sleep with anyone else because that was just how much of an effect you had on me. As for the drink and stuff? I've seen what it's done to Rocket. He's shacked up in rehab still, will he change? He can't - this is the third time he's been in there. It's a waste on him, but if you wanted to throw me in there? I'd gladly do so just so I could prove to you that I could have a chance to change. Be better. Not just for you but for me as well".

"But you can't promise that remember?" She smiled sadly. "Because you always told me they end up broken".

"They do. I don't trust myself - I haven't told you that I can change, because even I don't know myself - but all I can do is try".

Maggie got up and slipped his shirt on, finding her panties halfway across the room from where he'd discarded them last night. "I'm gonna make coffee, you want some?"

"Please - it's a good look on you". He smiled as he sat up and lay back against the headboard.

"Who knows, you may just get used to it". she smiled back faintly at him and then disappeared downstairs to the kitchen.

As she walked in, she caught sight of someone sitting at the breakfast bar. He then looked up and grinned. "Maggieeeeee! Nice look!" Bucky nodded his approval cheerfully on seeing her.

Wanda appeared at his side and rolled her eyes, filling his cup with some coffee. "Jackass hopped the wall and fell asleep on the damn porch - found him as I went to get the mail this morning".

Bucky - who looked a little hungover, just grinned and ate his cereal. "She's an that Steve's shirt?" Finally clocking on to what she was wearing, eyes widening and now pointing to her with some excitement. "DID YOU GET SOME DICK?!"

"Oh my god, shout it a little louder for the whole neighbourhood to hear Barnes". Maggie rolled her eyes and went to make some coffee. "What the hell are you doing here anyway? Don't you have a home to go to?"

"Kinda had a wild night, Nat got pissed when I called her. She could hear the other girls I was with. So I thought Steve would put me up - however it looks like he was putting something else up..." He now waggled his eyebrows with a rather suggestive look. 

Wanda smacked him around the back of the head. "Shut up, eat your cereal and then I'm calling you a cab - and if you puke then you can clear it up. I've already had to deal with porn mags and other shit this week without you coming here to trash the place".

"I mean, you've seen worse - especially after that orgy back last October..." Bucky then rubbed his head and apologised to Maggie. "Sorry, I'm just surprised considering how you've been with Steve. What made you change your mind?"

"Guess I'm just getting to know him". She shrugged. "At the moment? I don't exactly know what this is or what we are. I think it's just a case of seeing if things fall into place".

Bucky was silent for a moment before he spoke. " careful ok? I know Steve's my best friend, but you're also Nat's best friend. Any friend of hers is a friend of mine, and I want you to know that he's been in deep before - not as obsessed with the others like he is with you, but I've seen what it's done to him after shit goes wrong...I don't want him to take it to the extent that Rocket has..." 

Maggie smiled pitifully. "Then that makes two of us". 

Taking the cups off coffee, she headed back upstairs, seeing Steve smoking and listening to the radio that he'd put on. "Bucky paid a surprise visit over your wall this morning. Wanda found him curled up asleep outside the front door".

"That's standard Buck" Steve smirked. "It's happened before though. Once he's had some food and coffee he'll be sober and on his way". Taking the coffee from Maggie, he took a sip as she got back into bed beside him - then putting the cup down and pulling her onto him.

"Someone's hard". She whispered against his lips as he kissed her.

"So how about you come take a seat and we can both wake up a little more?" He said, watching her now pull his shirt over her head and lifting herself up slightly to discard the lace panties that had driven him wild last night.

"And what's in it for me Rogers?" She asked, both of them gasping slightly as she slid down the length of him before he was fully nestled inside.

He sat up more, burying his face between her breasts and kissing the valley there before he looked up with that same dark look in his eyes that he'd given her before.

"A belly full of me".

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