Chapter 40

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   Two weeks later:

Mateo and Toby were together in their own room since Arlo was forced to go to a meeting. Normally, it would be Gem who'd attend the meetings but Gem was off on a mission to find medicine for a disease that's been spreading through the eastern region of the realm.

The meeting room, a large room with a big table for council and ext to attend meeting that are important to discuss with the queens. Avery and Megan sat at one end of the table. Kai, Zane, Piper, and Ryke sat at the other end of the table. Between the two companies, on the left of the table, was Arthur, Hunter, Callum, Clover, and Aiden. On the right side of the table was Royal, River, Caroo, Micheal, and Arlo. On the wall nearest to the exit, there was a bench for those to sit in and listen or speak. And on that bench was Matthew, Theo, Yimo, and Quin. Three dukes from the north, east, and west attended and a duchess from the south attended.
"We've lost over one hundred soldiers in the passed half year. They are retiring and leaving. We need to recruit new people, my queens." Zane started off. Avery and Megan listened with a keen ear.
"I am aware of our situation and I know we need recruitment. Which is why I had Sir Micheal and Arlo join us today." Avery spoke out calmly.
"And what are you suggesting?" Royal asked.
"I don't believe that we need many new soldiers to replace the hundreds that left. We need quality not quantity of our soldiers." Megan spoke for Avery. Micheal grew confused.
"Then what do you need us for?" Micheal asked.
"Well, normally I would have Gem do this job but she is quite busy. And I believe this could be good practice for Arlo. But I would like fliers and sign up sheets put up in every village in the realm. Except for Heja Village.(Shane's Village)" Avery explained finely. Micheal glanced to Arlo. Arlo was squinting at Avery.
"What do these fliers say?" Caroo asked. Avery turned to River. River opened a folder and handed out one single flier.
"We will give 6 months to anyone who wants to join to get to the castle. We will have waivers signed and family locations written down." Megan answered.
"And they will be instructed to make a room for themselves in the barracks or get their own place to stay." Avery added.
"Uhm, who'll be training these new recruits? To be enough to protect the castle outside, they will need at least a year of training and keep continuously training each time they have a day off. To be enough to protect inside the castle requires 2 years at least, also with continuous training. And let's not start with being personal guards. That'll at least be 5 years." Kai explained worriedly. Avery pointed right to Piper and Ryke.
"My shadow guards will be training the new recruits." Avery said.
"Impossible." Matthew blurted.
"I agree, Piper and Ryke have yet to find proper guards to replace their places as your highnesses protectors. They can't leave their posts without having other taking the posts." Royal explained. Piper and Ryke both frowned.
"Alright, this topic has come up hundreds of times." Megan muttered. Avery sighed and thought about it.
"Alright then. Once these fliers are hung, Ryke and Piper will have 6 months to train guards to take their places when they need to start training the new recruits." Avery explained strictly. And that was all to it.
"Alright, thats all I have for this meeting. You are all excused. Except for my shadow guards and the castle witches." Avery said calmly. And everyone besides the four started out of the room. Megan stood up and kissed Avery's forehead.
"Ima go check up on Rory." Megan said before she left. Avery looked at Micheal and Arlo.
"I assume Arlo knows how to teleport himself to far places?" Avery asked Micheal. Micheal looked at Arlo then to Avery.
"Yes my queen. He's quite good at it." Micheal said.
"Great. I will ask for Arlo to do this task alone as practice." Avery spoke. Arlo frowned.
"Ain't that a big much?" Arlo muttered.
"No." Micheal said.
"Arlo, you will take these fliers and place them up at each village center in all the villages of the realm except Heja Village. I also want you to take Ryke or Piper with you as protection." Avery explained. Arlo glared at Avery then to Piper and Ryke. Piper and Ryke were glaring at Arlo.
"My queen, we don't do well with Arlo." Piper said.
"In fact, Arlo might kill us." Ryke muttered. Arlo snickered.
"I agree. Don't eat my your food tonight." Arlo snickered. Piper lifted her middle finger to Arlo. Micheal snapped his fingers and Arlo was forced to turn back to Avery. Arlo hated when Micheal did that to him. He trembled as he did to break free of the spell.
"Do you agree with that plan?" Avery asked. Arlo tried to pull away but he couldn't. He turned to Micheal with a face that made Piper and Ryke frown and worry.
"Y-yes." Arlo mumbled. Avery stared at Arlo then to Micheal. Micheal sighed and flattened his hand out. That released the spell. Arlo didn't move and turned to Avery.
"Yes, my queen. I will accept these directions." Arlo said calmly. Avery smiled and stood up. She walked over to Arlo and touched his head.
"Alright then." Avery said. Alro looked down.
"Micheal, can you make a couple thousand copies of this flier?" Avery asked, setting the flier down in front of Micheal. Micheal snapped his fingers and right next to the once flier was a couple thousand fliers, stacked on the table in a couple piles.
"Done." Micheal said. Avery smiled and looked at Arlo.
"Tomorrow is the beginning on the next month. Start and finish tomorrow?" Avery questioned. Arlo looked at Avery and nodded. Avery smiled.
"Pick a shadow guard and then you are all excused. Good day." Avery said kindly as she left. Piper and Ryke stood up.
"Decide quick." Piper said. Arlo looked at Ryke and Piper. They frowned. Arlo frowned and crossed his arms.
"I don't care." Arlo said before he left. Micheal covered his eyes in disappointment. Ryke and Piper looked at Micheal then they rushed after Arlo.
"We can't choose for you, Arlo." Piper said.
"And you don't need to come." Arlo said. Piper stopped walking and glared at Arlo.
"Whatever then. My out." Piper said strictly, turning around and rushing to find Avery. Ryke stopped walking and looked at Arlo.
"I'll go with you then." Ryke said. Arlo rolled his eyes and left. Ryke frowned.

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