Chapter 54

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One Month Ago:

In the demon realm; the sound of nothingness woke up no one. So when there was a branch crack, Kiyoshi's eyes opened immediately. He blinked a couple times and sat up. He wasn't a mess at all. He looked like a perfect Angel. He stood up slowly and walked over to a dresser. He dug into the clothes because he wasn't wearing any. Darian was asleep on the bed. But he woke up only a little bit after Kiyoshi. He yawned and sat up then turned to where Kiyoshi would be. No Kiyoshi. And then he looked up. He saw Kiyoshi but naked at the dresser. Darian blushed and then he remembered at night. He smiled.
"Good morning." Darian said. Kiyoshi stopped looking through the dresser and he turned around.
"Good morning." Kiyosha said softly. Darian blushed more and he became hard again. Kiyoshi walked over to the bed and got on it. He crawled up to Darian and sat on him as if he was gonna ride him. He leaned forward making Darian's head fall back on the pillow.
"You are hard again." Kiyoshi said.
"How could I not be?" Darian asked, caressing Kiyoshi's soft fine skin. Kiyoshi blushed and kissed Darian. Darian returned the small kiss.
"Let's go on a date today." Darian said. Kiyoshi pulled away. His eyes narrowed and he stared at Darian.
"A date?" Kiyoshi questioned. Darian nodded. Kiyoshi was confused.
"Where?" Kiyoshi questioned. Darian smiled and held Kiyoshi's hand. He kissed his palm. Kiyoshi waited for a response.
"We can take a trip to the dragon realm." Darian said. Kiyoshi stared at Darian. He always was nervous in the dragon realm. Everyone always looked at him. Darian smiled to Kiyoshi's nervousness.
"If you don't want too, tell me." Darian said. Kiyoshi looked at Darian.
"Well... I do. But everyone always looks at me there." Kiyoshi answered. Darian looked at Kiyoshi understandingly.
"Ah... you know why? It's because you are so beautiful." Darian said, touching Kiyoshi's cheek. Kiyoshi blushed and his eyes were glued to Darian's.
"You make me blush." Kiyoshi mumbled, covering his face. Darian chuckled and sat up. He hugged Kiyoshi.
"I'm your lover. If I didn't make you blush, then I wouldn't be doing my job." Darian said. Kiyoshi returned the hug.
"Darian!" A complaining yell from outside the home called out. Darian flinched and turned to the room entrance. It was Mason. The front door opened.
"Darian!" Mason called out. Kiyoshi's eyes shifted to the bedroom door. Darian quickly covered Kiyoshi's body. And the Mason walked in.
"Darian, you are supposed to-" Mason started but then he saw Darian and Kiyoshi's position and he froze. And he blushed.
"Am I interrupting something?" Mason questioned, covering his eyes and turning around.
"Yes." Kiyoshi answered. Darian chuckled. Kiyoshi got up and walked over to a dresser.
"What was it you were gonna say?" Darian asked as he walked over to the dresser.
"Uhm- uh..." Mason didn't know anymore. He wasn't concentrating anymore. Darian looked at Mason. He got his pants on and a shirt. And he put on a scarf and coat. Then he walked over to Mason.
"Think. Is it important? Is it my fathers?" Darian asked. Kiyoshi put his clothes on. He looked perfect. His beautiful white hair and pale skin. And his stunning body just added to the perfected mix. Darian looked at Kiyoshi and he blushed. Then he turned back to Mason.
"Errr... Oh! You are supposed to go to the Kingdom today." Mason said, pulling out a piece of mail from his pocket. Kiyoshi looked at the bed and snapped his fingers. The bed became clean and made. He looked at Mason and Darian. Darian took the piece of mail.
"It was to Kid but he decided to send you instead." Mason explained. Darian opened the already opened letter and looked at it. Kiyoshi walked over to Darian and read the letter from behind him. Darian read through the letter.

Dear Kid;
I know this is your husband reading this out to you so here we go.
Me and my husband want you and your family to attend my annual ball. I want all of my dukes and duchess to come meet each other as a way to open up our realm to knew possibilities. Since you and your husband will be the official Duke of the Dead village, I want you both to attend.

Darian stared at the letter and then he looked up at Mason. He gave the letter back to him.
"I'm busy today. And besides, Angel's and Demon's hate each other. So if I went, Kiyoshi wouldn't be able to attend." Darian explained, turned to the door. He left the room. Mason turned to Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi's eyes only followed Darian. Until the slide onto Mason. Mason flinched and blushed. Then he quickly followed Darian.
"Uhm, Darian." Mason said. Kiyoshi put his hands behind his back and he walked.
"Yes?" Darian asked, walking into the kitchen and grabbed two bowls.
"Look, Kid said you would say... something under those lines so he told me to give you this. It's a panel of the upcoming hall in the kingdom." Mason said, handing a paper to Darian. Darian looked at the paper and took it. He looked at it. Mason looked at Darian then he glanced down at the two bowls. Except, they were gone. He turned around and there he saw Kiyoshi staring at Darian. Mason flinched. And he blushed again. He turned away. Darian stared at the panel on the paper and then looked at Mason. He turned to Kiyoshi. He handed him the paper.
"What do you think?" Darian asked. Kiyoshi reached for the paper and took it. When he did, Mason turned back to Darian. Except, Darian was making food with the two bowls that weren't there before. He flinched. He turned to Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi finished reading it.
"A ball for any first class citizen... under the rule of the Angel Royals or the Demon Royals." Kiyoshi said, repeating words on the panel. Mason blushed more and he covered his crotch quickly.
"What do you think?" Darian asked. Mason waited. Kiyoshi shook his head no and handed the paper to Mason. Mason wanted to take it but he was busy covering his crotch. Darian took the paper and folded it.
"You have if there Mason. I won't be attending that ball." Darian said as he finished folding the panel.
"And, you are my best friend. And my dear Kiyoshi is very beautiful. But if you are gonna get hard from him, do it when I'm not around." Darian explained, sticking the panel in Mason's coat pocket. Mason blushed more. Kiyoshi looked at Darian and then he moved over to the food he was making.
"Sorry." Mason said nervously.
"Nah, you only made me jealous. But I can't blame you. Kiyoshi is very beautiful." Darian said, turned to Kiyoshi whom was only right next to him now. Mason nodded.
"I'll tell Kid you are not interested." Mason said before he left. Darian turned to Kiyoshi. No Kiyoshi though. He turned to the table. There sat Kiyoshi and the two bowls of breakfast. Darian smiled and walked over. He sat next to Kiyoshi.
"My dear Kiyoshi." Darian said. Kiyoshi turned to Darian.
"You are busy?" Kiyoshi mocked from earlier. Darian chuckled and took Kiyoshi's hand.
"Yes. I'm busy spending my quality time with you." Darian said, kissing Kiyoshi's hand he was holding. Kiyoshi blushed and looked at Darian.
"Stop." Kiyoshi said. Darian smiled and let go.
"Ok." Darian said. Kiyoshi flinched and turned to Darian. Darian began to eat food. But then he felt his hand be embraced. Darian turned to Kiyoshi and he smiled. Kiyoshi stared down in embarrassment. Darian leaned forward and kissed Kiyoshi's cheek.
"I love you." Darian said. Kiyoshi looked at Darian.
"I love you too." Kiyoshi said softly. Darian smiled.
"So... what do you want to do? There are multiple options we can do." Darian said nicely. Kiyoshi looked at Darian.
"Can we do what we want?" Kiyoshi asked. Darian nodded. Kiyoshi turned to Darian.
"There's a rumored waterfall in the kingdom. It's beautiful and always warm because it comes from the Angel realm." Kiyoshi said. Darian smiled.
"Alright, ill ask Prince Matthew or Prince River when we get there." Darian said. And then there was a snap. Darian and Kiyoshi turned to the right. Sitting at their dining table was Carlos.
"Yes father?" Darian questioned.
"If you go, Kiyoshi can go too. Besides, you have to go." Carlos said. Kiyoshi stared at Carlos but his ears were listening for Darian. Darian sighed.
"I can't have that." Darian said. Carlos blinked.
"Wha-" Carlos started.
"Kiyoshi doesn't want too. He's uncomfortable doing so." Darian said. Carlos frowned and turned to Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi was staring at him.
"Kiyoshi, you know that Darian will be the Duke of the Dead Village soon. And the royals have to know that. But how will they know this unless he goes?" Carlos explained. Kiyoshi blinked and turned to Darian. Darian frowned.
"I want Kiyoshi to know that his opinion matters. And it does." Darian said. Carlos crossed his arms and sat back in the chair.
"Of course his opinion matters. But we need this to happen." Carlos said. Darian stared at Carlos.
"Why?" Kiyoshi asked. Darian and Carlos turned to Kiyoshi.
"Why?" Carlos questioned the question.
"Why does Darian need to do this?" Kiyoshi asked. Drain turned or Carlos. Carlos frowned and he looked down.
"Mm... the queen wants to wipe out a bunch of small villages such as ours because the dukes aren't giving their best dedication towards the villages. But you do. You care about this village. And if this village is wiped out, there won't be anyway for the dead to pass into the next world." Carlos explained nervously. Kiyoshi's eyes slid to the Darian. Darian was contemplating. Kiyoshi didn't seem fazed.
"Darian, you gotta do this for your father." Carlos pleaded. Darian stared at Carlos for a moment and then he turned to Kiyoshi. He wanted confirmation. Kiyoshi's eyes slid back to his food.
"Our date can wait." Kiyoshi said. Carlos frowned and looked down. Darian turned to Carlos.
"Sorry." Carlos said. Darian shrugged. Carlos sighed.
"It's tonight and it starts at 3." Carlos explained. Darian nodded. In a blink of an eye, Carlos was gone. Darian swiftly turned to Kiyoshi.
"Kiyoshi." Darian said. Kiyoshi turned to Darian.
"Why'd you do that?" Darian asked. Kiyoshi stared at Darian.
"If I didn't, you would've let your fathers down. And I don't want that to happen." Kiyoshi explained. Darian frowned and took Kiyoshi's hand.
"You can't go." Darian said. Kiyoshi looked at Darian.
"I'm going." Kiyoshi said.
"No. Your father is rumored to be alive and if he is, that means he'll be at the kingdom. It's not safe." Darian explained.
"Thats exactly why I'm going. It's not safe. He knows I took refuge in the Dead Village. He might hurt you." Kiyoshi explained. Darian frowned.
"And if he sees you? He'll try to kill you." Darian said. Kiyoshi shrugged.
"I'd rather you be safe." Kiyoshi said. Darian finally just let Kiyoshi win. He sighed and turned to their food.
"Fine. But you are wearing a hood." Darian said. Kiyoshi set his hands on his lap.
"To hide me?" Kiyoshi asked. Darian turned to Kiyoshi.
"No. To make you maybe look less attractive because I really did get fucking jealous when Mason got hard just looking at you." Darian explained. Kiyoshi blinked and then he lifted his arm. He touched Darian's shoulder.
"If I wear a hood, it won't make me any less attractive. It'll probably just add to my facade." Kiyoshi explained, touching Darian's arm now. Darian blushed and he turned to Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi's hand went further down Darian's arm and then to Darian's lap. Darian's eyes widened and he stiffened with a grunt. Kiyoshi had put his hand up against his crotch.
"What do you think?" Kiyoshi asked. Darian slowly turned to Kiyoshi.
"I will fuck you hard on this table if you don't stop seducing me." Darian said strictly. Kiyoshi smiled.
"I wouldn't mind that." Kiyoshi said as a whisper. Darian stood up quickly and pulled Kiyoshi to his feet. On to lean Kiyoshi on the dining table and kiss him. He pressed up against Kiyoshi and kissed his hard and raw. Kiyoshi's left foot was still on the ground but his right was lifted up on Darian's waist. Mostly because Darian was holding his leg there while his other hand was against the table. Kiyoshi's hands were around Darian's neck.
"Mm..." Kiyoshi mumbled. Darian pulled away slowly and stared at Kiysohi. Kiysohi opened his eyes slowly and looked at Darian.
"Darling, it's still early. We can always go to lunch in the dragon realm still." Darian said. Kiyoshi stared at Darian.
"Mm... but we still have a couple of hours till lunch." Kiysohi said as he slowly lifted Darian's shirt up off him. Darian blushed and he nodded.

A Dragon's Love Story 4 (Gay/Yaoi) FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now