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The following day went basically as you would have expected- us cuddling and getting used to our new relationship, watching as any resent between us began to fade away. It truly was the start of something new.

Of course, Monday eventually came around, bringing school and all that it brings with it.

I woke up that Monday morning, a feeling of bliss resting in my chest. I readied myself for the day, just the same as always. Something was different, though, and it was the person greeting me at my front door. Usually, I'd just walk to the bus stop alone, but Cartman had been waiting for me.
He held my hand as we faced the usual Colorado chill, although it had been warming up with summer on it's way.

"Kyle," He said, breaking the silence. "Did you really mean it, that kiss, or was it more a heat of the moment thing?"

I sighed. He really wanted this relationship to work out. Not that I didn't, though. It was just a surprise to me that he cared so much. "Yes..." I hesitated. "Yeah, Eric. I meant it. A lot."
His first name felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable in my mouth, but I liked it. When I called him 'Cartman', it always sounded very spiteful, because that's what I always associated the name with. Anger.
That was going to change.

He delicately kissed the top of my head as a response. I guess affirmation was all he needed.

We arrived at the bus stop, to find Kenny and Stan waiting, just as we had expected them to be.

"Hey, Kyle. Cartman. You guys look happy." Kenny said, as pathetically muffled as always.

Eric chuckled. "Yeah, well, we're not pretending anymore. We're really together- and we're really happy."

Stan's jaw practically dropped. "Are you serious? Oh my god, this is obviously unexpected and-"

"Stan, please stop. You're fucking terrible at acting. You knew this was happening. The whole point of that truth or dare stunt was for us to get together in the end." Eric groaned.

I felt my heart jump inside of my chest. "Seriously? This was planned?"

"You aren't upset, are you?" Kenny chimed in. "There really was no other way to get Cartman out of that depression than to hook him up with you."

"Yeah, and there wasn't any other way of doing that other than taking a chance and letting it roll. It never would've happened on it's own." Stan concluded.

Damn, they were clever. To think that I'd barely caught on bothered me, and the fact that we were 'set up' did bother me a little. But Stan was right. It never would've happened on its own.

"Nah. I'm fine." I said, done talking about the elaborate set-up of our relationship. It was an irritating topic, although there really wasn't anything wrong with it. I just wanted to enjoy what I had with Eric and not think about the past.

After what felt like a century of waiting, the bus pulled up. We piled onto the bus. Cartman and I took a seat closer to the back, and I snuggled up to him, resting my head on his shoulder.
Just as always, he was warm.
I felt at home.

School was the same as always, but word spread quickly of us becoming a couple, and of course, I was pounded with questions. I brushed them all off, but I was uneasy knowing that Eric would probably be unable to do the same. He had likely already sworn at dozens of kids by the time we left after sixth period.

Eric and I walked home instead of catching the bus. Oddly enough, Kenny and Stan were nowhere to be found. We were looking to invite them over to Eric's house to play some games, but we couldn't. Neither of them would even text back.

"Do you feel like they've been hiding something from us, Eric?" I said, as we crashed on his bed, myself laying on his stomach. "You know, Kenny and Stan? They're never around anymore, I swear."

"Meh. I don't know, I guess you're right. Who knows, maybe they're secretly experimenting..."

I had to laugh, even though it didn't seem possible. "Eric, babe, you're ridiculous. They wouldn't."

"That's what they said about us, isn't it?" He retorted.

Somehow, I couldn't argue.

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