Beauty That Rivals The Sun

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AN: I'm a sucker for early-morning fluff and/or cuddling so take this.

Sunlight streamed through the blinds in the window closest to his bed upstairs of the Starbucks Three called home. It caressed the former villain's face, and he let out a noise of discontent. After staying up till midnight last night, the last thing he wanted to do was get up at...He glanced at the clock, 8 am. It was too early for this.

He grumbled "Fucking....Forgot to close the curtains..." He sighed. He was about to get up when a weight on his chest stop him. Normally it wouldn't surprise him, Eggdog or Eggpuppy or even both would sometimes come onto his bed and he didn't have the heart to let either of them down. However....this was heavier than either of the two pups. He looks down and....oh.

Oh right.

He almost forgot his boyfriend was here. Four had something to show him: a video he was working on and wanted his opinion of it. That in itself leads to them watching Vine compilations till midnight. It was a normal date for them all things considered.

And now here he is, asleep. Four's head was resting on Three's chest, his black hair messy from sleep.

Three couldn't help but smile. Sure, Four was pretty much on top of his right arm and it was starting to be uncomfortable, but he didn't dare move. Four completely at peace, no signs of stress visible on his face for once. In his opinion, Four needed more sleep, especially after that whole fiasco with that perfect video he dare not think about.

So Three was willing to stay as long as he needed, regardless of the fact he was beginning to lose feeling in his arm. A necessary sacrifice. Instead, he gently ran his fingers through the other's hair, admiring his partner. The way the golden light illuminated his face was breathtaking to Three.

He stopped his movements when Four began to stir, slowly revealing his blue eyes.

"Hey..." Four said, voice quiet from sleep.

"Hey yourself. Sorry, did I wake you?"

"No." Four yawning and sat up"So bright....what time is it?"

Three glanced at the clock "7:13."

"Too early..." Four said, laying back down on the pillow he was supposed to be using instead of his boyfriend "Wanna go back to sleep...." He buried his face in the pillow

"Give me a minute to close the curtains so it's not so bright." Three said, getting a muffled noise in response. He quickly closed the curtains, darkening the room successfully before getting back in bed. As soon as he did Four quickly snuggled up to him.

"You know you have a perfectly good pillow you could use."

"This is comfier." Four said, once again resting his head on Three's chest "Plus a pillow can't cuddle me." That got a snort out of Three. He sat up, Four falling off him in surprise "Hey what the-" Three laid back down, tucking Four's head under the crook of his neck, resting his own head on his and wrapped his right arm around his boyfriend

"There. This way you're not on top of my arm."

"I was? Why didn't you wake me?"

"You looked too pretty for me to wake." Four flushed at that comment. Three notice, kissing his forehead "Now shh. Go back to sleep."

Four was still a bit flustered, but he was comfy, in his boyfriend's arms, and still a bit tired. So instead he let out a quiet yawn, snuggled ever so closer, and returned back to dreamland.

"Mmm....five more mintues..." Four was woken up by something wet pressing again his cheek. He pushed it away, only for it to come back again. He did it again, only for the same result. Annoyed, he turned and finally opened his eyes to see the asshole ruining his sleep-Oh.

Sitting on the bed, happily wagging its tail while panting, is Eggpuppy. One of his boyfriend's children. It had been licking his face. Seeing it had drained any anger Four had. He gave the meme a pat on the head

"Hey there buddy. You know where your mom or dad is?" Eggpuppy let out a yip, jumping off the bed and running to the entrance of the stairs. It jumped in front of it, letting out a bark to signal Four to follow it.

"Understood little buddy." Four sat on the edge of the bed, stretching and letting out a yawn. He took a quick glance at the clock, seeing it was 10:37. Earlier than he usually would wake up but not as early as before.

Plus, he wanted breakfast, hopefully, something other than leftover spaghetti.

He got up walking over to Eggpuppy. He picked up the small pup before heading downstairs. Hearing sounds from the kitchen he figured that was his best bet.

Sure enough, when he walked in Three was messing with some device on one of the kitchen islands while Eggdog sat by the kitchen island. When she noticed Four had come in holding her child, she got up and barked while running over. Eggpuppy responded, jumping down to great its mother.

"Oh hey, you're awake." Three said, taking a quick glance at his boyfriend before looking back down at whatever he was working on "I'm making waffles. Finally got the damn waffle maker to work."

"Since when do you like waffles?" Four said, sitting at one of the stools by the island."

"Eggdog and Eggpuppy do. So I learned.  You want anything in yours?"

"Nah. I'm good." Four had his elbows on the counter, resting his head on his hands.

The waffle maker dinged and Three carefully used a spatula to place the finished waffle on a plate before placing it in front of Four who was just looking at Three wistfully

"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, just you."

"Sap." Three scoffed, trying to play it off. Although he was better with affection than Four, such blatant displays of it always made Three just a bit flustered. But old habits die hard and he tries to play it off success. Four love reminding him of it.

"Thanks for all this." Four said, picking up the fork next to him "I really appreciate it. After weeks in an RV, an actual bed and a homemade meal is heaven."

"Is it really that bad?"

"After a while yeah. I'm tired of falling off the couch trying to sleep and I can't cook for shit. But to be fair...It's my own damn fault so I got no one to blame but myself." Four said the last part with a look of regret on his face. Three opened his mouth to say something before closing it. What could he say? Despite everything he's said and told him every excuse he could think of, Four still blamed himself for the loss of the castle. It wasn't his fault. If anything, Three was the one who started his episode. Sure, he had good intentions but it didn't change the fact if he hadn't gotten Four canceled, he never would've gotten so obsessed with this perfect video. Plus in the end, he's also the reason all the work went down the drain when they lost that video.

The silence between the two was deafening. Four took a bite of his waffle "Wow this is really good."

"Heh, glad you like it." Three said, moving to sit in the chair next to Three.

"What about Eggdog and Eggpuppy?"

"Already taken care of." He gestured to where the two were. Eggpuppy had a quarter of a waffle in its mouth.

"And you?"

"Already ate." Four nodded in understanding as he finished his own breakfast. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Three was watching him with a loving look in his eyes.

"Now you are the one who's staring."

"Can't help the fact I have a beautiful boyfriend." Three said, partly to watch as Four's cheeks turned red.

"I'm not-"

"Nope." He placed a finger to Four's mouth in a be quiet gesture, cutting off what he was going to say "It's the truth so don't deny it scrub."

Four turned even redder if it was possible. Three just chuckled and cupped his cheek with his hand before leaning in for a kiss. He really meant those words.

In his eyes, Four had beauty that could rival the sun.

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