I'll Keep You Safe

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AN: More of my IGBP movie ideas, except I torture Four this time. I literally went on the Wiki to see the model of the RV, and the episodes it's in so I can see it from different angles just to make things as accurate as possible so don't @ me. Also, this was delayed because my sis left my laptop charger at her friend's. Anygays take this.

"Don't worry, man! I got you! I'm not letting you go!" Four yells, holding onto Three's leg for dear life. He's not gonna let him fall

He can't let him fall.

Three looks nervous, understandable since Four is the only thing keeping him from falling into the eldritch abyss.

Even more so when Four's focus is broken when he notices the USB on his foot slipping. If that falls, he loses the perfect video he had worked so hard to make.

 "Wh-What are you thinking?" Three says, finally noticing Four's internal panic. Four doesn't respond  "SMG4?"

His eyes widen, pure terror, filling them when he feels the grip holding on his leg loosening.

Four hadn't even noticed it until it was too late, watching his formal rival fall into the abyss.

"THREE!" He reaches out but it's too late.

Three is gone.

And It's all. His. Fault.

Four awakens with a shout, sweating profusely with tears running down his face. He's panting and shaking, frantically looking around. When he realizes he's in his RV, not back in the eldritch pit, his breathing begins to level and he's no longer shaking.

'Another nightmare....' Ever since he was stupid enough to trust that cursed keyboard, his sleep has been plagued with nightmares. It's gotten so bad he's tried to stay awake, just to keep them at bay to little success. He knows he deserves this after everything he put his friends through.

But he's so exhausted. He knows he needs the sleep after literal weeks of not doing so, but he's so tired of those nightmares. He just wants a good night's sleep.

With a shaky sigh, he pulls the blanket he had kicked off over himself 'Just...go back to sleep..' The second he closes his eyes, he can see the look of pure betrayal on Three's face as he falls. And he's back up.

Out of all the nightmares, this was the one that keep plaguing him. It was the first one he had and the one that bothers him the most out of the ones he's experienced.

God, he doesn't know if he wants to cry because of the nightmare or from exhaustion. Maybe both. He doesn't know what to do anymore. He hasn't told anyone, the last thing he wants is to bother his friends after putting them through hell AND cost them their home. They don't deserve to put up with him anymore.

But at this point? He's so desperate he's willing to give it a try. He plucks his phone from the charging cable, opening his contacts. He scrolls through, wondering who to call when his finger stops.

'....Would he even pick up?' Four wonders. Their relationship hasn't been the best, that's for sure. But they were getting along. 'And what he said to me back there...'

....He presses Three's contact, and the phone rings once.



'This was a stupid idea.' he thinks to himself. He doesn't even know why he picked Three. Actually, that was a lie, he does know. 'What was I thinking?! He's not gonna-' "What the fuck do you want."

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