Incorrect Quotes

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AN: Here's some incorrect quotes I've made! Also this has XFM because I ship them yet I haven't written anything for them yet.

FM: So...your dating Four, huh?

Three: Is this the part where you both say 'if you break him, I'll break you' or something?

X: Oh no!

X: Four is perfectly capable of murdering you himself

FM: We were just going to say if you ever do break his heart, call us up so we can bring popcorn

Mario the second he hears Three and Four Are dating: *hands Four a pack of condoms* Here, I don't wanna be an uncle yet.

Four: Are you a cuddler?

Three, scoffing: Four I'm literally a former villain who has tried to kill you and take over the world several times.


Three, climbing into his arms: God yes hold me please

Cube, bursting in at 2:37 am: QUACCCCK

X, half asleep: Babe sort out your son

FM, hiding under the covers: Before sunrise he's your son


X: Are you sure?

Cube, screaming: QUAACCCCKK

FM: Positive

Mario, bursting into the RV: WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD

Four: Aw come on

Three, who spent the night: The fuck man?

Mario, wheezing: HAHAHSHHA

Mario, making a speech at Three and Four's wedding: not gonna lie but we shipped them together before they made it official because he (Three) kept scoffing that he didn't like him (Four) yet he always looked at him first whenever someone said a meme just to see if he was laughing too.

Four, about Eggdog: Look at us breaking gender norms! We bought her a bowtie collar!

Three: Everyday we break gender norms. We're literally dating Four.

X: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!

FM: Oh yeah? You're the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD

X: I'm leaving you, and I'M TAKING CUBE WITH ME

Four, picking up the monopoly board: I think we're gonna stop playing now.

FM: Let's watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.

X: Okay.

FM: And make out during the scary parts.

X: Th-

X: The scary parts.

X: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.

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