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I threw my hand up to my side table and slammed my digital alarm down my table but the ringing continued. I groaned as I pushed myself off the comfortable bed. My eyes were still half-closed. I looked around to see where the sound was coming from and realized it was my phone. I stared at it until it stopped ringing. I let out another groan as I allowed my body to fall back into the cloud-like softness of my bed. Burying my face into my soft, soft, soft pillows.

As I started drifting off to dreamland, my phone started ringing once more. Furious at whoever it was that was disturbing my long awaited rest, I angrily reached for my phone.

"What?" I snapped as soon as I answered.

"Did you just wake up?" Sakura laughed at the other line.

I rolled my eyes at her even though I knew she couldn't see me. "What do you want, Sakura? It's saturday,"

"It's already 11:00 a.m, Ten." she answered as if she couldn't believe I was still asleep.

"And your point is?" I asked her, turning around in my bed to sit up. "I repeat, it's saturday. Not only that, it's summer vacation,"

There were voices on the other line and I bolted upright. "Is that Ino and Hinata?" I asked, my brows furrowed.

"Of course! Did you actually forget? We planned to meet up for lunch today, remember? Here I thought you only overslept," by the tone of her voice I just knew Sakura was rolling her eyes at me.

"Shit!" I cursed as I jumped out of bed and started scurrying for something to wear. I could hear them laughing at me from my phone that I threw in my bed. Once I was ready, I picked my phone back up and started running down the stairs. Hollering a goodbye to my parents who were in the living room as I passed by.

Once I was waiting for the bus, I dropped the call since it would be disrespectful to the other passengers for me to talk on my phone. As I sat down on a chair, I closed my eyes as I put in my headphones. The music softly played and I replayed my sparring with Hyuga the day before. There was just something that bothered me.

My heart continued to race whenever I thought of him even though I had long since rested. It couldn't have been the adrenaline anymore nor the excitement. Before I realized it, the small announcement board up front was signaling my stop.

I removed my thumbnail from my mouth, which I had started biting unconsciously, to press the stop button on the bus wall beside me. It glowed and the bus slowly came to a stop. I got off quickly. I started skipping towards the family restaurant we all agreed to eat at.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining. The sky was clear. We were going to be doing a lot of fun things together and it was only the start of the summer vacation! Once I was in the family restaurant, it was not that hard to find my friends. After all, one of them had bubblegum-pink color for her hair.

Once I arrived at the table, we started ordering our food. I made sure to order a few more for me since I skipped breakfast. Well, I was asleep but still! A missed meal is a missed meal. We talked about a lot of things while we ate. Sakura and Uchiha relationship and what she liked about the man that was as cold as ice. Then, after a while Ino got bored of listening to her gush over her boyfriend and moved on to Hinata. She teased her about her forever crush, Naruto Uzumaki, and how she hadn't made a single attempt to confess. At all.

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