Chapter 23- Close Call

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 White suddenly stopped while she and Puddleshine was walking. She turned  to Puddleshine and said "Now my secret has leaked out, I can't let you live to tell the tale can I?" she said Puddleshine stood infront of White, flabbergasted. "You what? "He asked shakily, backing away. "I have to kill you don't I, now you know my secret..."White said with a wicked grin, flashing her fangs. "No, White, you don't have to do this, we can talk it through!"Puddleshine cried. "There is no talking, i have made up my mind, I AM KILLING YOU!" White howled as she pounced onto Puddleshine. Puddleshine knew she was much bigger in size and strength than him, so he had to outsmart her. "I should have listened to Starfrost!"Puddleshine barked with grief, anger boiling in him, regret sagging him down. White laughed at Puddleshine,"too late now isn't it?" Puddeshine regained his footing and ducked behind a tree root just as White's claw came slashing down at him. White's paw hit the solid tree root, she howled in pain, her nostrils flared. "You little brat! We are playing hide and seek now aren't we?" Puddleshine darted around the tree root and headed towards a hollow tree trunk. White lopped after him, snapping at his tail. "DON'T YOU DARE GO IN THERE" she yelped as Puddleshine slithered into the tree trunk. Puddleshine scrambled into the tree trunk, smell of rot and debris filled his nose, Puddleshine's eyes watered as a small splinter of wood got into his eye . Puddleshine whimpered. "What am I gonna do now? "he thought desperately. Puddleshine backed away as White tried to squeeze into the trunk as well, however, her large size is a disadvantage to her. Puddleshine sneezed in her face. White growled, "Sorry I didn't mean to sneeze, is just that the smell in here is horrible!" White managed to stuck her head into the trunk. "apologies not accepted "she snarled. Puddelshine took the chance to scar her nose and attack her face. White desperately tried to pull her head out of the narrow tree trunk, but she was stuck. Puddelshine drew long gashes across White's face. White snapped furiously at Puddelshine's quick-moving paws but not once did she manage to bite him. White tugged with all her remaining strength and managed to pull herself free. Puddleshine leaped out of the tree trunk, if he dies, he must die bravely, not lying at White's paws. White flashed her sharp claws and pounced, Puddleshine turned around to meet her.  "This is for wild clan! "He snapped as he bit hard into White's snowy-white pelt, leaving it in patches of red. White left a deep gash across Puddleshine's nose. White twisted around or a second blow. Puddleshine yelped in shock as the surprise attack came at him. White drew a long gash across his pelt. Puddleshine growled in rage, he kicked dirt into White's face. White coughed and choked on the dirt, spitting out mouthfuls of it. Puddleshine spun around and aim a kick at White. White stumbled around, unable to keep up the pace of Puddleshine. White and Puddleshine traded bite and kicks. The dark clouds pressed down upon the land as the battle continued. Puddleshine couldn't believe that he was actually winning this fight. White lagged behind more and more as her energy ran out. White eventually collasped of exhaustion. "You will not win this fight, Puddleshine. I will be the new leader of wild clan, one day I will rename wild clan as Snow clan. I will overthrow Aquafur, ONE DAY I WILL! And always remember, "White's voice has been reduced to barely a whisper as she started to lose consciousness, 'The fight is far from over, this is not the end, this is just the begining..."White slowly closed her eyes and the forest was silent, too silent, as if the forest knew the worse is yet to come.


Puddleshine stared at the unconscious White, she wanted to overthrow the leaders of Sun, Moon and Star pack and claim Wild clan? He have to warn the leaders before she manages to gather a army and attack wild clan. Puddleshine lopped away, far from White, far from danger. Dark cloud pressed in and a clap of thunder boomed across the land. Puddleshine whimpered but never stopped running. Night fell accompanied by the thunder storm. Claps after claps of thunder boomed. Thin stripes of lighting zigged zagged across the mid-night blue sky. Rain poured from the dark clouds, drenching Puddleshine's pelt.  Puddleshine knew he won't survive the night if he don't find proper shelter. He looked among the bushes hoping to find a blanket of leaves. 

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