Chapter 1- A day of wonder

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The lush green grass swayed in the gentle breeze that caressed every wolf in the face as the sun rose, casting down gold rays that woke the earth. Birds chattered merrily in the trees as the first summer has arrived, bring warmth and greenery into the landscape.

Starfrost woke up from his nap, a month has passed since his birth. He rolled onto his paws, excited by the soft buzzing of bugs. The winter had passed, bugs has emerged from the wet earth beneath the sleeping wolves. Starfrost yelped happily, next to him, his sleeping sister, Snowberry growled softly at him to keep his noise level down. Snowberry rose to her feet, yawning. Starfrost sneaked out of the den, leaving his napping mother behind. The sunlight shone down upon him, soaking his fur with warmth. His paws sank into the soft mud as the long grass blade tickled his flanks. He happily trotted towards the bushes - his favourite place for a bug hunt. 

            A sharp, ear piercing growl boomed behing Starfrost, his ears twiching, Starfrost turned, scared at what he might see. A large she-wolf loomed over him, lips curled into a evil smile, showing her dangerous fangs. She was sleek silver, fur matted neatly on her back, with black tipped ears, tail and snout, and worse, she had an air of arrogance. 

           "Who are you?" Starfrost demanded, peeling his lips back from his fangs, trying to stay confident and brave like his father. 

             " I am Sliverpaws, I used to live in Moon pack, however they abandoned me and so I was adopted by Sun pack," Silverpaws explained. Starfrost hesistated, pausing to think. This wolf could really become a beta, she was thick musceled, fast, strong and skillful. 

               " What do you want? Why are you sneaking  on me?" Starfrost questioned, baring his teeth. She meerly smiled and stalked away. Starfrost shivered, this she-wolf gives him shivers when she looks at him. Trembling, he padded back to his den, greeted by his father, back from a meeting with the elders. 

                 "Lightbreeze has been promoted to an elder today, she is of age and experienced at hunting, she will make a good adviser," Aquafur said, proud of his decision. Starfrost remembered the old she-wolf, she is a friendly hunter that always provided starfrost with snacks when he walked pass her den. 

"Father? Do you know a she-wolf called Sliverpaws?"Starfrost asked, shifting on his paws. Aquafrost's expression harden at the mention of sliverpaws.

            "Indeed, she came to sun pack after getting abandoned by her former pack, moon pack." he growled, stretching his snout in a snarl.

 " She seems to be  suitable warrior and beta, why didn't you promote her?" Starfrost questioned.

" Because I do not trust her,  I am sure that she have stole away food from another wolf's den multiple times, I would wish to demote her, but still don't have the proof yet." Aquafrost said, wrinkling his nose in disgust, and staring at Starfrost like it was obvious it was ridiculous to promote Silverpaws.

          Starfrost's gut dropped. Steal? Untrustable? He had never thought that there will be such a wolf in his pack. He sat on his haunches for a moment and then nodded.

He knew what he have to do. He have to tell Snowberry.

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