Chapter 6- The Vision

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       Aquafur lay still, not moving beside his paws. Starfrost knew instantly that his father was dead. Gone forever. But what happened? Starfrost glanced up, and his heart sank. Silverpaws is standing there, with an awful look on her face. The sarcasm look in her eyes brought Starfrost to want to stamp her onto the ground and crush her little soul. He sheathed and unsheathed his claws, anger threathening to burst out of him. Silverpaws seemed much older here, and there was a weary look to her. Dry blood was sticking on to her fur, and unhealed scars and wounds gazed deep into her flanks, with an awful scratch across her left eye. Even though father was dead, she would bare scars from him forever, Starfrost thought as Silverpaws made eye contact with him.

"Hello, young Starfrost,"Silverpaws spoke in such a lofty and innocent tone that made Starfrost want to kill her more.

"What happened?"Starfrost demanded.

"Isn't it obvious?"Silverpaws replied, sliding her tail gently across Starfrost's pelt that sent a shiver down his spine.

  "No,"Starfrost answered, gritting his teeth.

"Oh, my dear baby Starfrost, its called revenge, have you heard of it?"Silverpaws said in a tone that sounds like a teacher patiently teaching her student 1+1, but it was eerie.

"What did he do to you and what happened?"Starfrost insisted angrily.

"He kicked me out,"Silverpaws replied, making a pity look on her face,"so I made my own pack." She licked Starfrost's ears like a mother treating her newborn. Starfrost shifted away from her.

"And then?"Starfrost pressed, afraid of what she will answer.

"And I came back,"Silverpaws answered, pressing close to him.

"And so what did you do to my father?"yelled Starfrost, no longer to keep calm anymore, but could not help but put in a bit of fear in his words. Silverpaws laughed, cold and eerie, but silent.

"Oh, ofcourse, dumb little Starfrost can't figure it out himself. A little help will do, won't it? And I will be that kind soul to help him,"Silverpaws batted her eyelashes at him, who took a step back.

"So..."Starfrost could not help it. His voice trembled. His bravery is gone. His anger evaporated. His grief escaped. And fear replaced all.

Silverpaws glanced at the dark sky.

"Ah... its time."

"Time for what?"Starfrost asked, looking up too.

"A new werewolf is born, youngster."Silverpaws looked at him. Starfrost inhaled sharply.

"So..."Starfrost exhaled, his breath tight,"what did you do?"Silverpaws smiled again. She was clearly enjoying all this.

"I killed him."

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