Chapter 10-A new member

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Starfrost looked around him, there is only trees, river and more trees. How will he ever get back? "Come on Coralnight, we gotta go."he said. "But how are we supposed to get back?"she asked, swishing her tail. That question stumped him. "Well there is a way, if you swam all the way here. "Coranight said proudly, lifting her head. "Water always leaves marks, like a scent." 

Starfrost shook his fur, shaking the water out of his fur,"that's impossible, the scent will be washed away and you can't smell under water," he pawed the ground, thinking.

"Yes, you can't smell underwater, but you can taste the water,"Coralnight said, acting like a professional,"have you ever wondered how fishes and merwolves mark their territories?" Starfrost frozed, his mind blank, he had never thought of that. 

"How did you know all these things?"he barked, flicking his ears. 

"Well... I'm sure that you know the ancestors of Star pack is merwolves right?"She asked. Starfrost nodded, his teach has told him about it. 

"Each member of Star pack will learn about merwolves, from as young as a month, thats why I know so much,"Coralnight explained, stretching her legs.

Starfrost nodded understandingly, its just like sun pack, their ancestors are lavawolves(fire wolves) and they learnt it through legend stories told by their mothers when they were pups and yelping for milk. Coralnight trotted in a tight circle, sniffing the air. She dipped her muzzle into the cool flowing water and lapped at it, as though drinking. 

"I can taste the wolf scent, we just need to follow this taste to find our way back. Starfrost nodded, and tasted the water, it as almost like sniffing a scent trail but this one is extremely hard for him, the taste came inconsistently, Starfrost was always wondering if their direction was correct. 

"Walk the opposite direction of where the taste is coming from, specifically, upstream. You can only taste it if your position is lower than where the taste is coming from." Coralnight explained.

The minutes passed little by little, Starfrost got more desperate. There is only ten minutes and atleast half of the time must have passed, Starfrost broke into a fast run and then a lope. Coralnight padded after him, breathing heavily, her pelt drenched in sweat. 

"Can you swim fast?" Starfrost asked. "Well I suppose so, all of star pack are considered as fast swimmers since our ancestors were," Coralnight said, a new idea forming in her head.

"Umm... Starfrost, since we are a bit behind time, why don't I carry you while I swim in the river?" she suggested.

"We are not just a little behind time, WE ARE VERY BEHIND TIME," Starfrost barked as he leaped onto Coralnight's back. Coralnight splashed into the river and sped away. Starfrost pawed at Coralnight's shoulders,hoping to hold onto something so that he will not get washed away, the speed they were traveling at was unbelievable, it was almost as if they were soaring,no wonder Star pack's ancestors were merwolves. Coralnight tucked her legs under her belly and flapped her wide tail to gain speed. Their tails were an advantage to them, they are wider and stronger than normal wolves from other packs and allow them to swim faster. Starfrost lapped at the water as they reached an intersection, the currents were pushing Coralnight towards a tight stream which will eventually reach a waterfall. 

"Starfrost! I need you to jump to the shore!"She barked over the loud splashing of water. 

"What? It's a long distance to the shore! It's impossible!"Starfrost protested.

"No, Starfrost, you can do it, lavawolves are extremely good at fast quick jumps, you have to trust yourself!"Coralnight kicked at the water in vain, trying to regain her balance and not get washed away.

"When you get there throw the tree vines at me,"she continued as they drifted nearer and nearer towards the shallow stream. Starfrost took in a deep breath and kicked off Coralnight's back, he dived towards the shore, angeling his body to pierce through the air towards land. His paw pads met the ground, and Starfrost crash-landed. He sprang around and picked up a strong vine in his jaws. Starfrost threw it into the water, Coralnight clung onto it, her claws dinging into it. Coralnight pulled herself forward and managed to get back to shore. She climbed back onto her feet, her pelt heaving. 

"Come on, time is going to be up soon!" Starfrost urged, padding towards his pack. Coralnight followed, her paws hitting the ground in a steady pace. Starfrost settled into a lope, picking up speed. He squinted his eyes and saw a colourful patch in the distance, his pack! Starfrost leaped into the water in attempt to pick up speed. Coralnight followed suit and pushed Starfrost's back to gain speed. They sped toward the end with an unbelievable speed.


Snowberry sniffed the air, there is no scent of her brother. She stood at the water edge, waiting for Starfrost's return. She looked up at her father, worry and disappointment etched upon his face. Sun pack waited in silence, staring into the deep waters. Snowberry focused her eyes in the distance, she spotted something breaking the surface of the water, could that be Starfrost? 

"Its the last minute!" the timer annouced. Snowberry's hear thudded against her chest, could Starfrost make it? Aquaur must spotted him too, he stared unmovingly at the surface. 

"He made it! Starfrost is back!"Featherlight cried, slamming her front paws on the ground for attention. The pack cheered, barking and howling. Starfrost zoomed towards them in an unblievable speed, once he reached them, Starfrost swam ashore, his pelt drenched in mud and sweat. A purple she-wolf stepped out after him. Sun pack gasped, this wolf is not from their pack. 

"Who are you?"Aquafur demanded, locking eyes with her. 

"I am Coralnight abandoned from Star pack," She answered confidently. 

 "What brings you here?"Aquafrost continued. 

"Well after I was abandoned, Starfrost found me and brought me here as he thought that I was the fastest swimmer in the river. 

"Well... he is not wrong,"Aquafur said,"You shall join this pack for now, you will sleep in the medicine den and we will observe your behaviour before deciding whether you will join this pack permenantly,"Aquafur decided after hesitating a little. Starfrost barked happily, pleased with his father's decision.

Twilight fell, darkness engulfed the rounded hills that surrounded Sun pack's dens. Starfrost watched the bright moon emerging from the horizon and retired for the night.

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