🛝My Hero⭐

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Bethany fiddled with the tv remote, groaning. She scanned the room in hopes of anything else to fidget with. Hailey stepped into the living room catching her gaze on her little sister who seem to be lazily laying on the couch. The little purple-haired girl beamed, seeing Hailey approaching the girl. "Hi, Hailey! do you wanna play with me?" Bethany sat up pulling Hailey by her cloth. "Oh! sure, Betty!" Hailey agreed, making the little girl squeal.

Bethany excitedly ran to the toy box, pulling out two pretty female dolls with a tea set. She handed one of the dolls to her big sister and quickly sat across the teal-haired girl. "My name will be Charlotte. What about you?" Bethany explained, moving her doll up and down as she speak. Hailey giggled, "Hello there! My name is Abigail!" she said playfully moving the doll around. "Would you like some tea, Mistress Abigail?" Bethany pitched her voice, moving the doll's right arm. "Oh! I'd love some! How kind of you Lady Charlotte!" Hailey responded doing the same with her voice, as she lightly smiled.

"Gee, Abby! you're such a charmer!" 

"Aw, Charlotte! you always know how to make me smile!" 

 It goes on for half an hour until Shannon entered the room. She saw the scenery of her two daughters playing with each other and snickered, "Hey girls! What are you two doing?" she approached the two. "Hey, mom! we're playing!" Bethany explained to her mother. "How nice! unfortunately, I might need to ruin the tea party, it's time to go to the playground sweet pie," Shannon said as she crouched so she was on the same level as the two. "Mom! I don't want to go to the playground!" Bethany huffed, turning the other way. This response concerns the two, usually even though Bethany was playing or having fun, she would still happily accept any offer to go to the playground. 

"But honey! you love going to the playground," Her mother pointed out, which was true. "I said I don't want to go to the playground!" Bethany snarled running to the corner of the room. Hailey and her mother shared a look before the teal-haired girl decided to go and comfort the little girl.

"Hey, Betty? Is there any reason why you don't wanna go?" Hailey asked putting her hand on Bethany's shoulder. "No! I think playing with you here is enough!" Bethany frowned still looking at the wall before her. "Going outside is fun, you're always excited about the slides!" Hailey softly attempted to convince the little girl, "...and you'll have lots of friends to play with there!" It seemed that what Hailey said strung something within the little girl, causing Bethany to immediately smack Hailey's hand away. "Hey! why did you do that?" Hailey slightly raised her voice, displeased with the action she received. Bethany gritted her teeth, "I said I don't want to go and you can't make me."

"Betty, I want you to tell me if anything is troubling you. As your sister, I'll help you!" Hailey assured the little girl, although it doesn't seem to help. "...I don't have any trouble!" Betty stubbornly kept her ground, puffing her cheeks. 

"So... you just don't feel like going?" Hailey asked with a whisper. There was silence for a moment before Bethany replied with a nod. Hailey lets out a sigh, as she stood up from Bethany's level. "Would an ice cream after playground convince you?" Shannon cooed, which caught Bethany's attention. Bethany loved ice cream, and it felt like she was not willing to say no to it.

"Fine!" Bethany groaned, walking to her mother who had a smile cross her face. "Come, honey!" Shannon extended her hand for Bethany to grab. They walked towards the house door, leaving Hailey concerned. There was something and she is not going to easily give it up. 


Bethany would usually skip on the way to the playground site, walking beside her mother. But this time, she was filled with gulps and nervous breathing. Shannon doesn't seem to notice this as she was busy talking on the phone. 

Once they arrive, there was children's laughter, and rapid steps that were heard. There were so many of them that you can barely focus on one. Shannon lets Bethany go on her own, as the purple-haired woman walked towards the mother on the bench. Bethany walked nervously to her favorite spot, it was the tunnel spiraling slide. She climbed onto it hoping to not have to see the same kids that were there the day before. 

sadly, it wasn't her lucky day. a kid kicked her stomach shoving her off the slide's stairs. There was no serious injury because she wasn't that high off the ground and she landed on sand. "Didn't we tell you not to step foot in our territory?" A girl that looks bigger than her, clenched her fist. "The spiral slide is for everyone!" Bethany stomped. "Do you really wanna fight?" another kid stepped in from the tunnel of the slide. Bethany backed away slowly with her head down, not wanting to cause a fuzz. Yet the kids that were on the slide climbed down to Bethany, the girl in the center with 2 other kids on her left and right. She cracked her knuckles as she walked closer to Bethany.

To their surprise, someone bounced in the commotion. She doesn't look like a child, she's tall compared to the other kids in the playground. She had a mask, a hood, and a silly suit. "Leave the little girl alone!" the hooded lady said with a deep, raspy voice. "Hey! Is that your mom or something?" the girl in the center joked. The hooded lady suddenly pulled out a small firecracker, causing a loud sound that cause fear in the kids. It was the type of firecracker that only makes sounds when you slam it to the ground, it was harmless but none of the kids knows. 

The kids that were harassing Bethany yelped in surprise and backed away. "The girl is off limits, let the other kids play with the spiraling slide or you'll be dealing with more of me," The hooded lady confidently said. Which left the kids to nod quickly before running away. 

"Thank you, Mrs. Hooded person!" Bethany squeezed the lady into a hug as a thank-you. "It's alright little girl! don't be scared to defend what you think is right!" The hooded lady messed with Bethany's hair, before walking in another direction of who knows where. Bethany stared at the woman in wow, then quickly went back to playing on the spiraling slide.

Meanwhile, once the lady was sure it was far enough, she takes off her mask and smiled. Proud of her effort of defending her little sister and presenting a strong woman image. What a day. She was sure that once they arrive home, Bethany is gonna tell her all about this small event.


A/N: Hi! fun fact I was inspired by Mysterion from south park. Yes, I'm a south park fan.

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