💗|🌡️🧡don't leave💜

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"Honey, wake up! it's time to go to school," The purple-haired woman said gently opening the door to her 7-year-old son's room. "Honey? is everything alright?" She sat on the side of his bed. Sweat was running down her son's forehead, he looks paler than usual. The woman carefully puts her hand on her son's forehead. "oh.. honey you have a fever," She said gently pushing his bangs away. The purple-haired woman gently pulls the blanket to his chest, tucking him in. "Hold on, okay? Mommy will be right back!" She said stroking his fluffy hair. The purple-haired woman sat up from the side of his bed, suddenly a small tug seem to be stopping her. 

The purple-haired woman turned her head to see her son holding onto her shirt, "What's wrong, Alex?" She asked softly. "please stay, Mommy!" The 7-year-old boy sobbed not wanting his mom to leave. The woman looks at his son in awe, "But honey, mommy needs to" "I don't want to be all alone," He pled with glassy eyes. "Sweetie, Mommy needs to get something downstairs. I promise it wouldn't take long," She said gently kissing his son's forehead. "Mommy, please!" The boy begged once again.

 "I promise, once I'm back I'll be right here, by your side." The purple-haired woman pulls out her pinkie as a sign of trust. "You promise?" The boy sniffed, "Yes, honey. I pinkie promise!" The woman reassured. with the amount of energy the boy has, all he could do was clench his little hand on the woman's pinkie. With the permission she got, she left his room, keeping the door open for him.


The mauve-haired boy woke up sweating. He sat up to take a glance at the clock, the time was showing  05.30 AM. He lets out a sigh, feeling the huge pounding feeling in his head. He groaned leaning himself back down on the bed. Suddenly he felt an arm wrapping around him, "Honey? Are you okay?" A deep croaky voice asked quietly. Luke and Zander had decided to move in together in an apartment not too long after they graduated from high school.

"I-I'm alright, Luke. Just a little headache," The mauve-haired boy answered with a whispery voice. The Auburn-haired boy turned on the table lamp on the side of the bed. He gently puts his hand over the shorter's forehead, "Honey, you're heating up! I think you have a fever." The auburn-haired boy said slightly louder. 

The taller stroked the shorter's face in an attempt to wash away the sweat. "Luke! it's okay! I'm fine! just go back to sleep," The mauve-haired boy said slapping away his lover's hand. "Sweetie, you know I can't just do that!" The taller stretched his arms out before standing up. "I'll be right back, honeybuns. stay there and don't move, alright?" The taller said pointing at the bed as a gesture. The mauve-haired boy weakly nodded in response.

After a while, the auburn-haired boy finally came back with a tray. there was a glass of warm water, a bowl filled with cold water, and a towel. He placed it on the nightstand beside the bed. "Sweetie, here I brought you a glass of water," The auburn-haired boy said handing the latter a glass of water. The European carefully takes the glass from his lover's hand and slowly takes a sip of it. "Maybe it's best if you stay home for today," The auburn thought out loud. The shorter hands the auburn-haired boy the glass of water and slowly leans towards the bed's headboard. 

The auburn takes the towel and puts it in the bowl full of cool water, then he squeezed out the towel so it wouldn't be too wet. He made sure that the latter's bangs are fully out of the way. "this'll help cool you off, okay honey?" The taller reassured, not wanting to scare him with a wrong approach. The shorter kept quiet, nodding once again. The taller sighed keeping a smile on his face. He carefully puts the damp towel on the mauve-haired boy's forehead, which caused the shorter to shudder with the unusual feeling. The taller fondled his lover's hair and hummed him a song swaying from left to right slowly. 

The taller had his eyes fished out towards the clock. Time seems to be moving fast, in about an hour his class is going to start. He needs to be getting ready soon or he might be late. He lets out a groan and stood up from the bed. A sudden tug stopped him from moving any further. He turned to see his boyfriend holding onto his shirt. The mauve-haired boy sat up still holding onto the piece of cloth, causing the towel to fall to his lap. "Please stay!" the boy sobbed not wanting his boyfriend to leave. "Sweetheart... I-" The mauve-haired boy's pupils grew larger putting the taller in a bad state. "I don't want to be all alone," The boy pled with glassy eyes. The auburn-haired boy's heart melted, "Sweetie don't do this to me," The taller said as he cupped his cheeks with both of his hands. "please don't leave me all alone," The mauve-haired boy puts his hands on the auburn-haired boy's. 

"I won't leave you, I will never leave you," The taller whispered reassuringly, resulting the sick boy to ease his chest. The taller swept his hands away from the ombre-haired boy's cheeks and took hold of the sick boy's hands instead. "Here, see? I'm holding your hand and I'm not gonna let go," The auburn-haired boy pecked the shorter's nose.

 Without letting go of the taller's hand, Zander scooted aside gesturing the auburn-haired boy to lay down with him. Luke took the hint very swiftly and put his weight onto the bed laying down next to his boyfriend with one of his hands intertwined with Zander's. The shorter snuggled up closer to his boyfriend, "I love you," he whispered. The auburn-haired boy smiled, "I love you too, honey," he whispered back leaning his head onto Zander. 


1008 words

A/N: hi! I'm sorry it took me days to update! but here you go. this fanfic was heavily inspired by one of project sekai's event stories(specifically 25 ji's). thank you very much for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed writing this!

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