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This was requested by: @1115131002eg


The 11-year-old boy tapped his foot against his wooden floor nervously. Zander rehearsed his words repeatedly quite frantically, squinting his eyes as he did so. He had recently discovered a new way of loving, it was hard to endure at first, But he started to succumb to it each counting day.

He was pushed so hard that he thought he needed to talk to someone about the strange discovery. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the room, He entered his sister's bedroom, avoiding eye contact.

The peculiar teal-haired girl noticed the strange behavior her brother was presenting. As the aura thickens, the boy opens his mouth, "H-hailey can I ask you something?" He slightly cringed at how he stuttered. Hailey responded with a sweet and welcoming smile as she patted her mattress where she was sitting, indicating for her brother to sit next to her.

Zander did as told and shifted his gaze downwards. "What is it, Zander?" Hailey tilted her head to face her brother. "Remember the other day, when I said I had a crush on Rebecca from school?" Zander asked as Hailey nodded in return.

"I lied," He rapidly said. "I was just trying to convince myself I liked Rebecca to avoid something else..." Zander babbled as he gritted his teeth, he turned to his sister to see her reaction. Hailey blinked a few times from the quickened confession, yet she returned to a concerned expression.

"Would you be okay to tell me what were you trying to avoid?" Hailey calmingly asked, not wanting to put Zander under more pressure than he already is now. These types of talks could be very embarrassing for the boy, he always wished for people to take him seriously, yet when it happened it could be very rough.

"Hailey..." He stared at his lap, " I don't think I'm attracted to girls." He confessed, slightly scrunching his face feeling fearful of his sister's response. However, to his surprise, Hailey put her hand on her brother's shoulder reassuringly. "It's okay.." Hailey murmured gently.

"You're not mad?" Zander examined his sister's face, looking for hints of disgust or anger. Hailey shook her head, "Why should I be?"

Zander squeezed a tear out of his eye as the feeling of relief drowned him. Hailey noticed the tearful boy, she pulled him into an embrace and started sniffing as well. "So, have you been interested in any boys at school then?" Hailey teased wiggling her eyebrows.

Zander flushed in embarrassment, "Well.. there is one boy.." Hailey mischievously crooned "ooo" as she nudged her brother. "Tell me who it is!!"

"No way! you'll tell him right away!" Zander huffed biting the side of his cheek. "NO, I WON'T!!! HONEST!!" Hailey said pulling out her pinkie. "Pinkie promise!" Zander gazed at her sister's pinkie and turned his head away, "I'm rejecting your pinkie promise."

"WHYY!!" Hailey whined, to which Zander just responded by sticking his tongue as he stood and walked towards the door. "I'm going downstairs!" He announced as he placed his hand on the doorknob. "COME ON!! ZANDER TELL ME!!" Hailey swung her arms up and down still attempting for his brother to tell her. Zander walked out of his sister's bedroom with a smug look plastered on his face.

Hailey sighed, clearly annoyed at his secretive brother. then she smiled, "That means.."

"Luke might have a chance with him..!"

"Better yet... he might like him back!"

578 words

Sorry, it took so long! I had to deal with daily exams! but I'm back and better than ever~! I apologize again for the wait. I'm working on something else at the moment and will be published shortly! goodbye.

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