The Void Origins: Johnathon Percy

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Rather than starting in Paris like we do, we start completely somewhere else. Detroit Michigan. A truck crashed right through a fence and swerved onto the road. It floors, as cop cars chase after them. "Drive faster!" The robber yelled. The driver floors it. Taking them faster down the road. The cops start shooting at the car jackets. They duck down, but one of them gets shot. He screams. "Ohh that's it!" The robber demanded. He grabs a gun, and fires at the cops. Shooting at their car, but not the cops. Eventually, he shoots the cop car's tire. Forcing the cop car to stop in order not to crash. The other one chases them. The robber keeps firing. Hitting the hood and roof of the car. Eventually, the driver swerves around to round a corner. The robber nearly falls off, but the other robber grabs him. Pulling him back in as the car gets back on the road. The cop car, going at full force, breaks but still crashes. The car doesn't explode, but it's messed up. "Woah! Not a bad move, Johnathon." The robber said. "Yeah. Don't mention it." Johnathon replied.

    Johnathon takes the car to a junkyard far outside the city. They drive inside and into the main building. Inside, Johnathon drives into a group of people and children inside. All of whom are working. "Hey! Johnathon is back!" The man yelled. The others cheer for the gang. All of them get off. They all take their ski masks off. "Omar, Wayne, and Johnathon. How was it?" The boss asked walking down the stairs and clapping. "It went fine, Dad. Real fine." Johnathon replied not excited. "What's wrong Johnny Boy? Made a wrong turn?" Mr. Percy asked. "No. It's just... not my day. Not feeling it." Johnathon replied. "Why not? We got a new car. You three, start dismembering it. Now! You, get the prices racked up. Everyone else, don't make me mad." Mr. Percy ordered. Everyone goes and does their job. Johnathon goes to leave. "Johnathon! Follow me." Mr. Percy ordered. He takes Johnathon outside the warehouse. In addition to the place, there are smashed cars thanks to a car crusher, and even five little kids outside playing. The kids look at Johnathon and wave at him. Johnathon smiles, and waves back. "Dad... I know you are going to hate me for this, but do we have to keep doing this? Robbing cars to get paid?" Johnathon asked. "Why of course son. It's a crime, but it pays off. Soon enough, we'll get that dream home I've always wanted. Even buy that suit coat worth one grand." Mr. Percy replied excitedly. "But, Mom. She never wanted this." Johnathon said. "Your Mother is dead. So what? We can't grieve for her for life. We move on, and do what we need to do to survive." Mr. Percy replied. "She died in a car accident. Cars, that we steal. This just feels insulting to her death." Johnathon said. "Like I said. We do what we gotta do to survive. When will you get it in your head Johnny Boy? This is what the real world is. A violent place that's hard to fit in. If you want to spend your life as a nobody, go ahead. Rot away. If you want to be someone. Someone who makes money. Someone who isn't a weirdo homeless bum, do your job." Mr. Percy ordered. He leaves Johnathon in the trash yard. All alone. "Johnny. Why was the boss so bossy?" The kid asked. "Dad not having it today Catherine," Johnathon replied. The other kids run to Johnathon. "Want to play soccer with us?" Another kid asked. Johnathon smiles. He joins the kids. All of them play. Laughing and cheering make Johnathon very happy.

    The next day, Johnathon, Omar, and Wayne are all in downtown Detroit. They eat at a diner in town. "Check this out. These parts are surely five hundred to a thousand dollars each. Even the interior is worth something." Omar said. "I can get a nice watch with that money," Wayne replied. "Make that two watches," Omar said. The boys laugh. Johnathon slowly eats his fries. "What's up, bro? Not hungry?" Omar asked. "Yeah. Not hungry." Jonathon replied pushing away his plate. "Ok, Johnny. Let's cut all the excuses. You hate doing this because of your Mom." Wayne said. "Let me guess, eavesdropped?" Johnathon asked. "Any conversation with the boss is a worthy one," Omar replied. "[sighs]. You all know how my Mom died. Fiery car crash. Burnt her to a crisp. I was there to see it remember?" Johnathon asked. "Yeah. It was a terrible way for her to go out." Omar replied. "It pains me to live my life stealing the thing that killed her and sell it for profit. It feels like I'm looking at my Mom, telling her to back off, I want to be rich. Can you imagine how hurtful that is to her?" Johnathon asked. "Bro," Omar replied. "See! At least you guys get it. Unlike the boss." Johnathon said. "So you think your Dad doesn't care about Mom?" Wayne asked. "He cares more for himself than his wife. I don't think he cares about me either." Johnathon replied. "Right! Your Dad is a jerk!" Omar yelled. "Again, see! You guys get it. And the fact we have children on our side. Dude their childhoods are messed up." Johnathon replied. "Hey. Cheers to that. This sucks!" Wayne declared. "This sucks!" All of them replied.

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