The Eerie Re-entrance of Essence

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"Life is full of changes. We meet new friends. We enter completely new areas outside our comfort zone. We face challenges that will first break us, but then make us stronger. And for the last week, that's been the case." Marinette said in a voiceover. Soon, she drives her moto scooter right into the parking lot of her new school.  Nicolas HS.  She parks her scooter and gets off.  Rocking a brand new outfit in the process(unlike NYC and Shanghai, I'm going to be posting all new designs under MiraculouslyGory's MLB Drawings.  Just look up that title, or visit my profile, so you can get an exclusive look at the new designs).  Marinette waves her long hair in the air.  She places her helmet in the trunk of her scooter before she goes forward to class.  She walks inside the busy walls of the school.  Students everywhere crowding the halls as if this were a concert.  Marinette manages to get to her locker on time, and then she is greeted by some old faces.  "Hey, Marinette,"  Luka said with Chloe wrapped around his arm, and Sabrina by their side.  "Sup guys.  Week 1 of a new chapter.  How's it been?"  Marinette asked.  "Quite hectic.  Already got an exam on Friday."  Chloe replied.  "You are going to crush this honeybee,"  Luka said who then kissed Chloe on the head.  "Aww!  And you are going to do great in your music project my slim snake."  Chloe replied hugging Luka's arm some more. "They are so cute. What about you Sabrina? How is class for you?" Marinette asked. "Challenging than I thought. I've dealt with worse." Sabrina replied. "Glad to see you all are doing alright," Marinette said. "Hey! [Marinette turns around]. You must be Marinette. Name's Lindsey." Lindsey replied. "Hey," Marinette said confused. "If I remember, you are the boyfriend to that Adrien Agreste right?" Lindsey asked. "Yep. That's me." Marinette replied. "Dump him! All he is good for is causing mayhem like his Dad!" Lindsey yelled as she walked away. "What was that about?" Sabrina asked. "Have you forgotten? Some loser named XX48 started these rumors about Adrien. [shows phone to Sabrina]. He keeps saying he helped his Dad with those akumas. Just another idiot trying to hate a nice guy who has terrible evidence to support his case. He keeps saying. He is Gabe's son, therefore he had to have helped him. It's in the family blood." Chloe replied. "How is Adrien even?" Luka asked. "He's doing fine. Nathalie is trying to get him a school he can attend. It's been hard with their circumstances, and these dumb rumors. Hopefully, he'll find a way around it." Marinette replied.

    We check back up on Adrien. He is sitting in the darkness of his room, sorrowing in pain. "First your Dad's suicide, now these awful rumors! Can you ever get a break?!" Plagg asked in rage. "At least I know these rumors are ridiculous," Adrien replied. "True that, but I hate it when people bully you for no reason. I mean, look at this meme. If you ever done something bad, just remember you didn't help a terrorist. What the fur?!" Plagg yelled. "[sighs, and puts his hood up]. Why is my life always this hectic?" Adrien asked. "I wish I knew. But, I mean, it's not all bad. You have your friends and your girlfriend, you are still a beloved hero. And you got me." Plagg replied. "I sure do. But these rumors only shrink my confidence. It's never fun to be hated by so many people." Adrien said. "Not even a cat pun can help make you happy?" Plagg asked. "No. Not even my puns can put a smile on my face." Adrien replied as he lay back in bed sad. Plagg flies over him in sorrow, and he's not the only one.

    Now, we check up on Adrien's brother. At his old, abandoned oil rig. At Essence's lair, the clawers are all at work. From training to putting scraps in the furnace, to making new robots. It's all hard labor. The real excitement comes from the science lab at the back of the base. Inside, the clawers are hard at work on something, until their boss steps in. Every footstep gets scarier by the step. And thus, Jack Malcolm makes his reentrance to the series. All the kwamis are right by his side. "[first two turn around fast. The third and final one falls over as he turns around, but gets up, and brushes himself off]. Master Malcolm. How are you on this fine day?" Clawer asked. "Energetic. I've been waiting months for this day. So many months!" Jack yelled excitedly. "And, your excitement is going to go boom like a bomb with innocent victims. [picks up Essence's blade]. Your sword is ready for action, sir." Clawer replied. "About time. [grabs blade]. I will trust your work when I test it today in the next hour or two. And just know, if you fail me, [slashes blade past the kwamis, who all shiver in fear] the consequences won't be pretty." Jack said. "Trust us. We made sure nothing went wrong with your sword, sir. Your idea is destined to come true." Clawer replied. Jack smiles, but then looks at Duusu. Flying in sadness. "What's wrong Duusu? Not having the right emotions my favorite little peacock?" Jack asked. "How can I ever be happy when I am with you? I loved you, Jack. I LOVED YOU! And now, I just want to go back in time, and prevent myself from ever saying that!" Duusu yelled. Jack slaps Duusu hard to the ground. The others gasp. "Stop the dreaming, weakling. Haven't you got it through your thick head yet? You are not going anyway!" Jack yelled with joy. "Yes! I understand! I'm sorry, master!" Duusu begged. "Good birdie. Take the kwamis back to their cages, except Nooroo. He and I are going to have a little fun today." Jack ordered as Nooroo gulped in horror.

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