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Unlike the previous starting points, we start at the Louvre. A classic landmark of Paris. Inside, we see Adrien and all of his pals there. Except for Lila of course. "Glad you can make it today for this event. My old Man is super excited about it." Alix said. "I'm just glad Adrien got to join us," Marinette replied. "Yeah, so you too can finally kiss again." Kagami teased. "KAGAMI! It's because I actually have time to come out now. We both got lucky with rent. Thanks to... my Dad. Still hate him, but at least he left us money to deal with this." Adrien replied. "Psychopath!" The teens yelled insulting Adrien. "Well, they are wasting their life," Adrien replied. "Hold on. You're not... offended by what happened?" Kagami asked. "Yes, I am. That was incredibly rude of them. At the same time, why would I care about attacking some random person I barely know? They are just some hater, who probably lives a crap life, and only gets happy over hurting others." Adrien replied. "Uhh, this isn't like you, Adrien. What's up?" Marinette asked.  "Oh, I started watching these self-improvement videos.  They really helped me get better." Adrien replied. "You're on self-improvement?" Mylene asked. "Starting to. Think I spent all night watching Trent Becker's videos. Dude is a real inspiration." Adrien replied. "That's awesome. What matters is that your life is getting back on track." Marinette said. Adrien smiles and nods. "Still, those jerks need to get their ankles broken," Marinette said. "Save some for me," Kagami replied. Soon after, the whole group wants to get in on this. "Guys! Guys! We have more important things to do." Alix yelled. "She's right. What even are you bringing us here for?" Adrien asked. "Seeing is believing," Alix replied. The gang all follow Alix. Soon, they are front row around a huge group of people. Alix's Dad, still in his wheelchair, is ready to unveil this new treasure. "Clara here. Today, we are at the Louvre to witness a once-in-a-lifetime discovery. For all those fantasy geeks out there, this is a broadcast you need to watch." Clara said. "Absolutely. Today, an exploration team made a discovery that will end all others. Better than dinosaur bones even. Behold!" Alix's Dad yelled. He pulls a rope, and the cape unveils the main attraction. A feather in a box. The crowd goes from excited to, what is this? "It's.... a feather?" Clara asked. "Not just any feather. This is a real-life Phoenix feather. From a Phoenix. Hundred of years ago. As you can see by its pattern, this isn't a cardinal. It holds a more flame color to each feather. Steady resource indicates this is the real deal." Alix's Dad explained. "Can we see it out of the box?" Clara asked. "Of course not. The feather is valuable. One wrong move and all of this was for nothing. And has the honor of being in the heart of Paris." Alix's Dad replied. "Well, there you have it folks. Fantasies are... a reality." Clara said. Soon, everyone claps at this discovery. Unaware of what's behind them all. It's a lurking Felix, spying on this event. "Interesting," Felix said as he let off an evil giggle.

    Later that day, Felix arrives at Essence's base. Walking right onto his land. "Well, if it isn't Adrien 2.0 himself." Clawer mocked. "Don't you dare bring my cousin into this! You do it again, I'll stab your eyes out!" Felix threatened. "Sensitive? How pathetic." Clawer mocked. Felix gets mad. "Enough! Mr. Felix. You're late. Master Malcolm specifically asked you to be here an hour ago." Clawer interrupted. "I'll confront him in person. He'll understand my absence was worth his time." Felix replied. He leaves the clawers and then goes to the radio building. Except he's not here to watch the latest broadcast. He goes to the newly added building behind it. A small elevator shaft. Felix steps inside and presses the down arrow. He starts to descend. Going underwater below the base. His elevator goes deeper into the ground until it hits the ground floor. The only floor. As the elevator opens, we get a must. The other members of The Void all together at a round table. Jack, Lila, Lucy, and Johnathon. In the center is the table. Surrounding it is a perfect circle couch. In addition, there are also dart boards, gaming stations, punching bags, and bars full of food. Felix causally walks in on them all. "No! [throws picture away]. No! [throws picture away]. NO!!! [rips picture]. Are you guys even trying here?!" Jack asked with rage. "You asked for animals to use. Ducks can be deadly ones, Jack." Johnathon replied. "Well, quack! It's not good enough. And you! [points at Lucy]. A bat. We already have one." Jack yelled. "Honestly, I don't care enough." Lucy replied. "Lucy... ugh!!! That leaves you, Lila. What do you have that can work?" Jack asked desperate for results. "I would ignore her choice. I have a better option for you, Jack." Felix interrupted. "Oh. You're late." Jack said. "For good reason. [sits down]. Hey, Johnathon. Glad to meet face to face." Felix replied. "So this is the identical cousin of Adrien Agreste?  You weren't kidding."  Johnathon said.  "Yet, he's the right guy for the job."  Jack replied.  "And this must be Lucy.  The corpse of the group."  Felix said.  "One day, you are going to regret coming here."  Lucy replied.  "She's like that.  Chill, yet down to kill."  Jack said.  "Excellent."  Felix replied.  "Anyway, here is my idea."  Lila said.  "Cram it Lila.  I have an idea you will like, sir.  Check this out."  Felix replied.  He shows the news report for the Phoenix Feather.  The entire gang looks at it.  "A bird feather?  Really?  Get a load of this guy."  Lila mocked.  "My girlfriend has a point.  This makes me want to stab you, Felix."  Jack replied.  "Save your knife for another victim.  This isn't just any feather.  It's a Phoenix feather."  Felix said.  "You don't say?"  Jack replied.  "I do say.  From my knowledge, Phoenix is quite common for its firepower.  A fire miraculous on our side will heat the battlefield."  Felix said.  "[smiles].  You see.  This is the kind of results I want."  Jack replied with joy.  "Wait!  I can do better.  Here!"  Lila yelled showing her idea.  Jack looks at it.  It's a snow fox.  "Ha!  How embarrassing.  A tiny little snow fox against a flaming Phoenix?  Ha!"  Felix mocked.  "The Phoenix is better, yet this idea can work as well.  Well done, Lila."  Jack replied.  "My honor."  Lila said as she then smooches Jack on the lips.  It makes Johnathon shiver.  "Void, we have a new mission now.  We are going to get that Phoniex feather and create a new member for the team.  Making us stronger than before.  Except, I want to use this as a chance for the four of you to branch out a bit.  You all just meet as one.  Might as well use this as an opportunity to grow."  Jack said.  "How so?"  Johnathon asked.  "Today, I want you and Felix to deal with this bird.  Once you bring me the feather, you'll go back out, and use its powers to cause maximum mayhem.  A boys' day as you will."  Jack replied.  "Nice!"  Johnathon yelled.  Lila and Lucy both growl.  "For this round, let's have some fun.  Felix [throws him the Bat miraculous] you get to be Vlad today.  Now remember our deal.  You have to become Vlad again no matter how much the power reminds you of what you did."  Jack said.  "I'm aware.  And I will obey."  Felix replied upset.  "As for Johnathon.  [takes out Aquatic Box, and opens it].  Let's see here.  Hmm, how about... what we are having for dinner tonight?  Crab!"  Jack said throwing the Crab miraculous to Johnathon.  "I'm down.  Both for this, and the dinner."  Johnathon replied.  "See Felix.  Be grateful for what I give you.  Alright, boys.  Let's move.  We have no time to waste."  Jack said.  Lila and Lucy still get a little mad the boys are going this alone.  Felix and Johnathon couldn't care less.  They press onward with Jack.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 6: The Void Manifesto(Part 2/4)Where stories live. Discover now