Chapter 9: Kelly Becker

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If you forgor who Kelly Becker is she is the boss of the special response team anyways on with the story

The group ran to the freezer, to notice Christina was gone. "Fuck. This is bad." Jake said. "Yeah." Kate responded. They all searched around the facility for Christina. The cafe, bathroom, several storage areas, the elevators, the protogen room, and the crystal caves. But they couldn't find her. "God damn it, we've looked everywhere and still haven't found her." Jake said. They were inside the crystal caverns, noticing a person. Or what seemed to be a person holding someone hostage. The group all walked up to them, standing a few yards away. "Help me!" Christina yelled. There was someone pointing a 357 magnum to Christina's head, but they couldn't quite make out who it was. "Let her go!" Kate yelled. "Not until you give me my facility back." The person said. "Who are you!" Kate yelled. "Oh, since you're going to die anyways I might as well tell you. My name is Kelly." She said. "Kelly Becker..." Panther said while growling. "Yup. That's me." Kelly said happily. Kelly leaned over a little, and they could make out what Kelly looked like. She had a prosthetic right arm, a cloak on her, and a gas mask. No other details could be seen. "We need you to hand Christina back." Kate said. "Ah. I can't do that for you." Kelly said, putting her finger on the trigger. "DON'T!" Kate yelled, but it was too late. Kelly pulled the trigger on the magnum, shooting Christina in the head killing her instantly. Her lifeless body collapsed on the floor. "GO TO HELL!!!" Kate yelled. "We already are." Kelly said with a smirk. Kate took off her backpack, taking out her metal scythe.

Kate then lunged for Kelly's legs, knocking her on the ground and making her magnum get flung away. But Kelly had a backup plan. Kelly grabbed dual katanas from her back, swinging them at Kate, putting them in a weapon lock. "You sure have a lot of strength, don't you?" Kelly said calmly. Kate didn't respond. Kelly swung her left katana to Kate's leg, causing her to fall over and bleed a little bit. "AGH!" Kate yelled. She was getting weaker from the strike to the leg. Kate rotated her scythe to block both of the katanas, but she was shaking. "Your cries for help will not be heard." Kelly said. Kate jumped back, then jumped behind Kelly, hitting her and knocking her into a crystal. Kelly laughed. "Those crystals won't do anything to me, darling." Kelly said while laughing maniacally. "What? How?!" Kate yelled. "I'm afraid I can't tell you." Kelly responded. They both swung forward, hitting their weapons at the same time, then grounding themselves on the hard cavern floor, being put in a weapon lock. Kelly pushed harder with her katanas, and so did Kate. They both got pushed back a few feet. Kate leaped forward again, swinging at her and hitting Kelly in the gas mask. There was a cut across the mouth part to the eye part on the gas mask. "That barely scratched me." Kelly said before leaping at Kate. Kate blocked it with her scythe, but Kelly was pushing with too much force. Kelly turned Kate's scythe around, pushing further. This was life or death. The scythe almost reached Kate's neck, and then Kate's vision was getting worse. She was falling unconscious. Right before she did, she saw a black blur attack Kelly. It was Panther.

Panther lunged at Kelly with the force of...I don't know, a panther? Kelly just laughed while she was getting flung to the ground. Panther grabbed her katanas, throwing them away from her. "YOU'RE FINISHED." Panther yelled at Kelly. Kelly just chuckled. "That's what you think." Kelly said calmly, grabbing a backup magnum, shooting at Panther. But he...dodged it? This was new. Panther played dead, falling to the floor. "Now it's time to take you all on." Kelly said. She turned away from Panther, walking towards the gootraxian group. Panther then snuck behind Kelly, but Kelly heard Panther and shot him in the chest. Panther collapsed. "PANTHER!" Jake yelled. "Now I will finish you all off." Kelly said. Kelly forgot about Kate though. She was still unconscious. "I have an idea on how to kill her...but I will have to sacrifice my life." Protogen said. "Well tell us quick, Kelly's coming!" Jake responded. "So basically, I will activate my self destruct, but it has a five second delay before I actually do explode. I guess I'll see you in the afterlife." Protogen said. "That's suicide!" Sol responded. "Of course it is. But I'm doing it for you." Protogen said. Jake and Sol lunged at Kelly, but she grabbed a katana, slicing Jake across the eye. He now had a cool scar across his eye. "MY EYE!" Jake yelled, dropping to the floor on his knees. Kelly then put Sol in a choke hold like she had the power stone from avengers. Sol gasped for breath, but did some sort of martial arts move kicking Kelly in the face, causing her to drop him. Sol then jumped behind Kelly, clawing at the back of her leg. Kelly turned around, hitting Sol with her katana in his arm. Sol refused to stop clawing at her legs though, causing her to fall to her knees trembling. "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Protogen yelled, activating his self destruct. Jake and Sol ran away from Kelly, picking Panther and Kate up in the process. 5...4...3...2...1... Protogen was chasing Kelly down the crystal cavern, and then... BOOM! He self destructed, killing him and Kelly in the process. Metal pieces, goo, blood, human body parts, all in one spot. "Rest in pieces..." Jake said. Kate then woke up from being unconscious. "What happened?" Kate asked. Everyone was in the hallway with the door going into the garden. "I think you were fighting too much, so you fell unconscious." Jake responded. "But what about Panther?" Sol asked, looking at Panther's body. "We need a medkit. NOW!" Jake responded.

Jake ran into the garden, finding one on a shelf. He picked it up, running back to Sol, Kate, and Panther, applying a bandage onto Panther's chest. The bullet was dissolving inside of Panther's chest now that there was no goo leaking out. (Panther still has the bandage on his forehead from earlier btw) "Come on Panther!" Sol said, performing CPR. Panther then gasped, sitting up. "You're alive!" Jake said, smiling. Jake then hugged Panther. "Hey, can you get off of me?" Panther asked. "Okay..." Jake responded, as he stopped hugging Panther. "Well what now?" Sol asked. "Not sure. I mean, Kelly's dead, but we lost Protogen, and Smith..." Jake responded. "Wait what happened with Protogen?" Panther asked. Jake then sighed. "He committed suicide, killing Kelly in the process with some sort of self destruct thing he has." Jake responded. "Damn, that would have been cool if I saw that." Panther replied chuckling. "So, are we just gonna chill for another two years or something?" Sol asked. "Probably." Jake responded. They all went into the garden, Panther sitting by the tree, Kate sitting in her sleeping bag, Jake sitting by the door, Sol sitting next to the tree with Panther, but no one to keep watch. This instantly reminded them about Protogen. "We'll always remember you Protogen..." Jake said to himself, looking above the tree, at the night sky. Panther then turned the music box on in the room. It played a song titled 'Slumber Party'. "Nice and relaxing..." Kate said, drifting off to sleep. Jake then said something in his head.
"I wonder if we'll ever leave this place..."

The End

I Hope you enjoyed book 2. Anyways as of now I'm not planning on making a book 3, so yeah. Feel free to comment and stuff.

Oh and btw I am currently making a book called "An Abandoned Laboratory". So basically this guy will arrive at Laminax labs and see all of the gootraxians living a peaceful life inside the overrun laboratory. This will NOT be a part of my
'Laminax Laboratories 🔬' series. Anyways yeah bye

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