Chapter 20: Saving Rosemary and a plan

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Narrator's POV

The Onceler quietly got out of his office in tip toe, wearing a black cape to not be seen. He hide in every spot the cameras of the factory couldn't see. When he  saw the big door where Rosemary was trapped, he realized his brothers were guarding. He thought for something to distract them, then he got an idea. He turned the lights off and the twins started to check if someone was there, the Onceler, otherwise, used his wolf vision to see where they were and where was the door in the dark and successfully got inside the room. He ran to the cage where the she wolf was laying on the ground.

"Rose!" Onceler whispered and the she wolf turned around but when she saw him, she groaned and give him her back. Onceler knew she was mad at him and she had all the right to be after how he treated her for 2 months straight.

"Rosemary, I'm so were right. I was blinded by my plans of getting bigger and sell thneeds. I know you are so mad at me and I am the last person you want to see, but please, believe in me when I tell you that I realized that what I was doing was wrong, all because of my mother, but I got so obsessed to impress her.....that I forgot about you. I love you so much, you are the only thing that truly matters to me now and I promise, really, I promise I won't let anything or anyone separate us again, if it means I have to go against my family. Help me fix this, I can't do this without you....please" the young man said and Rose turned around and looked at his sad face.

"...*smiles* That is the Onceler I knew it was still there" Rose said and licked his hand. When the Onceler opened the gates, the alarm turned on. Immediately, guards with shotguns entered the room.

"Get in my back, now!" Rose said and Onceler get on her back and hold tight.

"Fire!" one of the guards said and all of them started shooting. Rose ran and jumped over them and keep running. When they were near the entrance, one of the twins appeared out of nowhere holding a gun and shoot, but Rose dodge it and when she jumped again and ran away. Immediately, Isabella came with the guards upset.

"Who let the wolf escape?!" she yelled.

"It was the cape guy!" Chett said.

"How can you let someone to let the wolf out! Guards! Go and kill that wolf! I will tell the boss about it" Isabella said.

Back to the cave, Lorax saw Rosemary and Onceler come back and get inside.

"Rose!" Lorax said happy to see her and hug her.

"Oh Father, I'm glad you are ok. But thanks to Once, I'm back" Rose said and the little orange furry guy looked at the tall young man and smiled.

"Thank you for opening my eyes, Mustache"  Onceler said and the Lorax chuckled, but then Rose heard how employees and the machines were cutting the trees and yelling to kill the wolf.

"We have to do something, if we don't stop them they will keep chopping down the trees and the forest will disappear" Rose said.

"....💡Rosemary, when you taught me how to howl it was because of many reasons, but one of them it was to call for help" Onceler said.

"Yeah, what about the howls?" she asked.

"We are half wolves! If we howl for help, maybe, just maybe..... wolves will come here for the call" he said.

"Are you saying that you two have to bring wolves here?" Lorax said confused.

"Yes, believe me, there are a lot of guards that want us killed, two wolves can't fight them, but with a pack of wolves, we can do this. And Rosemary said it herself, we can control the wolves, they won't harm us" Onceler said.

"Onceler is right Father. I know you don't want a whole pack here but it's our only choice to stop those Lumberjacks from cutting the trees" Rose said and the Lorax looked at the forest still with the half of the trees to save.

"Do it" Lorax said.

"Stay here Father. I will howl differently if I need your help ok?" Rose said and the Lorax hugged her.

"Just please, be careful outside" he said and the young woman nodded, then the Onceler lay down with Rose's body and sleep and after months, his wolf form finally came out and the two wolves run to the highest point of the forest where the factory and the new village could be seen.

"You know this will be dangerous" Rose said looking at the Onceler.

"I know, but I would rather fight for my true home than doing nothing and just keep hurting the environment" he said.

"Don't get caught ok?" Onceler said chuckling and the young woman looked at him raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"Ha! Now one is going to catch me, unless I wanna be caught" she said and both chuckled. They looked down at the forest and then at each other.

"Ready?" Rose said and Onceler nodded. Rosemary started howling and then Onceler joined her, they keep howling...until a miracle happened. A pack of wolves not far away from the forest started howling with them. After that, wolves came running to them and stopped and looked at them and they had glowing yellow eyes since they were hypnotized by the magic of the Wolfwalkers.

"They look like the wolves I used to take care of" Rose said impressed that the howling worked too.

"Wolves, we have called you because humans are attacking this forest and we need your help. We can stop them, we are wolves! They have weapons and machines that are cutting the trees. But don't be afraid, now this is your forest and we have to protect them!" Onceler said to the wolves and Rosemary blushed on how brave he looked, he talked like a leader of a pack. The wolves howled and started grunting, getting ready.

"Let's stop those bastards" Rosemary said and the wolves started running to where the factory was.

To be continued...

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