Chapter 2

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The next morning came and Brooke jumped out of bed, excited and nervous. She quickly showered and got dressed before bounding downstairs for breakfast. Since it was a school day, Brooke was wearing her normal school uniform, a plain white blouse and plaid skirt with knee-high socks. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, showing off her slender neck with a few loose strands of hair cradling her soft face. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, Brooke couldn't help but imagine the resemblance to the actress from the previous night. She was petite, with a perky ass that stood out with her skirt, firm legs from years of playing Soccer, a spattering of freckles across her nose, and a relatively small but perky bust.

Grabbing a quick bite to eat before heading to school, Brooke grabbed her bag and walked to school. It was a sunny day with a few clouds in the sky, perfect for September. Her private school was filled with other preppy-looking kids, rushing between classes and with nothing more important to them than college, or their extra-curricular activities. Normally Brooke would be the same, playing Soccer in hopes of an athletic scholarship, band practice, and working hard on the student council; but today all she could think of was her after-school 'field trip'.

Because of the anticipation, the day seemed to drag on for what felt like an eternity. Brooke's eyes seldom left the clock in whichever classroom she found herself in at the time, and she was called out for not paying attention several times. It was unbecoming of such an upstanding student like her, but she didn't care about school at that moment; all she cared about was if the rumors were true and if there was a glory hole so close to her. Luckily for Brooke, her last class of the day was a free study period which meant she could leave early if needed. On an average day, she'd be found studying hard in the library, but today she grabbed her bag and rushed to the nearest bus stop to head out to the East end of the city where Teaz would be found. The bus came after 10 minutes of waiting and when she flopped down in a seat at the back of the bus, she nervously tapped her foot on the ground for the entire bus ride.

As the bus arrived at Brooke's destination, she hesitated for a moment before disembarking. This part of town was grimy and colorless, the buildings a bit more run-down and the sounds of cars were louder and more aggressive than her normal suburban environment. Even though the store was only two blocks over, the walk felt almost as long as her entire day at school had been. Men walking past Brooke leered at her, their eyes seemingly undressing the beautiful 18-year-old, pulling off her conservative uniform as they passed. Every step she took added more and more doubts about what she was doing there.

'It's not like I'll actually do anything in there.' she thought to herself, anxiously. 'I should just go home, this is a waste of time and super dangerous...' These thoughts continued until she arrived in front of the store that had been on her mind all day. Teaz was a nondescript concrete cube of a building, with a small sign above the door showing the address but no other identifying marks to say this was the correct business. Had she not looked up the address on Google Maps the night before, Brooke would have thought this wasn't the right place to be. Her heart felt as if it were going to beat out of her chest as she stared at the door, unsure of what was behind it, but with a sudden burst of courage she grabbed the handle and yanked the door open; all but running inside.

What Brooke was greeted with inside was a slight shock. The store itself was well stocked, and very organized in rows based on the category of products. A large row of magazines and movies lined one wall, across the store there were racks of clothing, lingerie, and shelves filled to the brim with toys. Inside there were a few other customers, mainly men looking at magazines and doing their best not to make eye contact with anyone else. At the far end of the store, there was a middle-aged man, heavy set with a balding head of hair, who looked up at her suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. Suddenly the nerves Brooke had felt were replaced with discomfort at her outfit; knowing that her school uniform was likely the last thing she should be wearing in a place like this.

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