Chapter 8

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The week went by in a blur, and almost daily Brooke second-guessed her decision to attend Jack's party. Each time she began to question herself though, Leah's words crashed through her mind like a wave, re-affirming her decision to do what she wanted for a change and just enjoy herself without having to worry about what anyone else had thought. Her second-guessing was only in part due to her fight with Leah, the other was second-guessing her decision to attend a glory hole outside of Teaz. While there was always the risk someone could recognize her walking into or out of the store, the risks seemed less prevalent compared to going to Jack's house directly.

After she had responded to him earlier in the week, Jack had responded to her eagerly and plans were made. Deep inside of her, Brooke wanted to find an excuse not to go, but every concern she raised he was able to address. When she responded saying how she wanted it to be completely anonymous with no chance of anyone seeing her, Jack responded with the measures he'd take to not let her or his guests be seen. The glory hole would be set up in his pool house, built and put around the back door so she could enter and would not be seen. She would enter through the back gate, with curtains hung up so the guests couldn't see her walk in or walk out. The steps he was taking, or said he would be taking, seemed to be as much for his benefit as hers. Brooke had gone to Jack's house several times with Leah and had met his parents; they were wealthy and traveled often without their son but were strict and wouldn't approve of their son essentially setting up an orgy. On top of that, most of Jack's friends were also in relationships, and while none of them had met with Brooke in the past as he had, they would want any precaution to protect their identity taken. Although Jack was taking precautions, the fact it was at his home was a risk alone.

Even though she was concerned, the sheer excitement of his plan was enough to make Brooke follow through. As day turned to afternoon on Saturday, Brooke sat in her room doing her normal preparations. Packing her bag full of essentials; baby wipes, lip chap, water, and anything that could help make the night go smoother, Brooke checked her phone one last time. Jack had told her that his guests would be getting together around 6 pm and she should arrive at 6:30 pm and given her instructions on how to get into place without being seen. Although the plan sounded good, she would need to take precautions as well. She wore a pair of lacy black thong and a bra, tight black leggings, a navy blue t-shirt, and a grey zip-up hoodie. With that, she grabbed a baseball cap and a cloth face mask. While she normally wouldn't wear a full-on disguise; it was a different situation than normal and one that posed far more of a risk of being found out than simply visiting Teaz. With one final look over her supplies, Brooke became lost in thought, her eyes drifting over towards her dresser with a dreamy far-away look. She remembered her last time at the glory hole and how badly she wanted to re-live the experience. But it became more specific than that, she remembered how she lost her virginity to a stranger there and how uncomfortable it had started but how much she had ended up enjoying herself. She continued to reminisce as her body moved on auto-pilot, opening the dresser and digging through all of her clothes to find a small, unopened box of condoms buried at the bottom.

The previous summer when Brooke had gone to summer camp, her mother gave her "the talk"; explaining the risks of sex and told her that if she was going to do anything while away from home, she should be safe. With a brand new box of condoms, Brooke felt like she wanted to scream as she had no plans to lose her virginity to a random boy at camp, but now looking back on her time there, she could never have imagined how it would happen. Now that she had done it though, she wanted more. Packing the box of condoms into her bag; she was ready to go.

Brooke quickly made her way outside and onto her bike. Unlike Teaz, Jack didn't live very far from Brooke and she knew the house well. The entire ride was an exercise of repetition in her mind; constantly going over the steps Jack had given her to remain fully anonymous:

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