Chapter 6

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The bus came after a short wait, and Brooke boarded without delay; starting her journey to her new favorite hangout. It was an excruciating hour but finally, she arrived in the rundown grey city center, only a few blocks away from Teaz. Brooke pulled her hood up over her head, making sure her face was covered before making her way the rest of the way to the square concrete building. Inside were rows and rows of organized toys, magazines, and other sexual paraphernalia, with men milling about and looking at things to buy. Today was certainly one of the busier times she had seen Teaz over the last three weeks.

'I wonder if this has anything to do with my post...' she thought, her heart pounding in her chest. It felt as though every set of eyes followed her petite figure through the store as she approached the counter. Today behind the counter was a different man than usual, in his late fifties, with greying shoulder-length hair, a large potbelly, and stubble who leered at her from behind the register.

"Hi, I'd like to rent a booth," she said confidently. The man's eyes widened in surprise for just a moment before a large smile crept across his face.

"Of course little lady," he said, looking around at all of the men who were doing their best to act casual. "$5 for the hour."

She put $20 down on the counter, which elicited a surprised look on the man's face. Without another word, she turned and walked into the back room, doing her best to ignore the wolfish grins and hungry eyes burning into her back. Pushing the curtain aside, Brooke strode confidently into the back hallway, the dingy, dark area filled with numerous doors flanking both sides of her. She walked down the hallway, walking by door after door with either a green or red light above it, indicating if it was occupied or not until she arrived at her home away from home; Booth 12. The light above Booth 14 was red, meaning someone was inside of it while the light above 10 was green.

'May start the night the right way...' Brooke thought, her mouth beginning to water as she quickly entered the booth and closed the door, flipping the lock with a resounding click. The black paneling covering the walls at one time made her feel uneasy, stains covering them (many of which were now caused by her own activities), the matching black floor panels making her feel like she was standing in the empty void of space. Against the wall opposite the door was a TV mounted, with several buttons next to it indicating movies she could flip on at her leisure. Settling into the seat set right in the middle of the booth, she began to click through some of the videos, seeing clips and frames of gangbangs, bondage, girl on girl... everything a pervert like her could ask for. Selecting a gangbang video, she undid her jeans and slid a hand slowly down to tease herself.

The otherwise perfectly dark booth was illuminated with the images on screen, the booth was perfectly silent aside from Brooke's soft moans and the sounds of bodies slapping on her screen. It was not even two minutes before attention was drawn to her and a soft knocking came from the wall to her right; Booth 14. By the time she turned her attention to the hole, a thick decent-length cock had already slid through, semi-erect with fairly long hair surrounding it. As she knelt she was hit with the smell of his musk, he clearly had been jerking himself off in that booth. 'Had he been waiting for me?' she thought, thinking back to the post she had made that morning. Just the thought of him coming here just to meet her had her heart race.

Reaching out, she gingerly gripped the stranger, stroking his smooth skin and feeling the bristling hair against her hand. He moaned as she jerked him, feeling his cock growing in her hand as she continued to squeeze and stroke him, maintaining the speed and pressure. Now that the stranger's cock was growing, Brooke could see how long it was to complement its thickness. 'Definitely a grower, not a shower.' she thought, laughing softly as she continued to stroke him and felt his body weight pressing against the wall. As she leaned in, finally feeling his fully erect cock and ready to take him into her mouth she was greeted with a loud groan, and a thick spray of hot, sticky cum.

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