End Of Summer Days

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On the last day of summer Me my Best friend and her Best friend. Me being ~Connor~ my bestie being ~Mar'Kisha~ and her bestie being ~Kendraya~.

We were all in Mar'Kisha's red Toyota her dad got her for her sixteenth birthday but I was driving because I was the oldest , so we were going to a party that was being thrown by a jock named ~Jamar~ he was the star athlete that most girls wanted he was an a,b,c student and very popular and every party he's thrown every since we became high scholars the police always showed up anyway it starts at 7:00'clock and ends when the police decides to come and shuts us down.

But anyway they were jamming out to a party next door song as I was driving them to the mall because they were dying to find and buy and ouf it to wear at the end of summer and beginning of 10th grade party it was so called supposed to be the biggest party of the year.

As I pulled into the mall parking lot I placed my hand on the volume control and turned the music down also taking out the keys of the car. After the music had stopped there was an awkward silence in the car as I felt them staring at me knowing I didn't wanna turn around but being me I did and they were both staring at me giving me a angry eye stare but I didn't really care so I rolled my body in the opposite direction as them so I wouldn't have to see their devilish stare but I could still feel it at the back of my head.


Walking past the big green symbol above an opening with two doors next thing in know I here Mar'Kisha scream

"STARBUCKS!" Leaving a ring in my ear "Oh My God Look it's STARBUCKS!"

Leaving another loud ringing in my ear trying to hear myself say... "

Okay! We get it! I think we can all see that Starbucks is in the mall!"

Then she rolled her eyes and flipped her hair with her hand and turned around skipping into the café with a huge smile on her face me and Kendraya glanced at each other giving a smile and walked in behind Mar'Kisha listening to the man at the counter say...

"Hello welcome to Starbucks. What would you like?" Then she replied all joyfully "I would like a Double Chocolate chip Frappuccino please."

He said "coming right up."

As she waited in line with us coming right up behind she took out her phone from her pocket unlocking it to open the camera app as she stared at herself I felt a vibration from my phone and immediately looked down like how I always do when I get a text anyways I read under the time and had a message that said...

-Hey. What time u comin to the party?

I replied

-As soon as I finish looking for a decent outfit to wear.

-Well text me when you finish being girly.

I replied

Then I watched as Mar'Kisha got her drink and we walked out

"What time is it? I don't feel like taking out my phone again."

I said "6:39"

"Ugh! We are running out if time! Thats it let's go!"
We walked around looking for a clothing store. I saw a store in the mall that had a lot of boy clothes. I pointed at the store saying

"I'm going in here."

They nodded and came in with me as I ran over to a shirt that said in big red letters

"I don't chase anyone, People chase me."

I loved it right away and took it of the hanger and looked and walked across the room and saw black jeans so I took that off the hanger to and walked over to the cashier practically racing towards it trying to get there before some old man did. Luckily I made it there first and paid for my shit and left. The we had to go in a girls clothing stored

"Ugh!" I said meaning to whisper

"Ugh what?" Snapped Kendra

"I wanna go already." tilting my head up looking at the ceiling groaning in attitude.

"Nope. To bad, we need to get our stuff."

"Okay." I replied peacefully placing my head straight so I could see in clear vision.
So we walked up in a clothing store as Mar'Kisha and Kendra looked at a black shirt in pink letters saying

"True Thug Life."

They looked at each other and smiled with happiness glearing on there face as the took one of each and then walked further in the store looking at the pants and mini and booty shorts they had so Mar'Kisha found pink mini shorts And Kendra found a black pair of skinny jean shorts.

Then they looked at me and I looked back then I rolled my eyes taking out a $20 bill and paid for there stuff and left it was getting dark as we left the mall Kendra had her head phones in listening to some song and Mar'Kisha was sipping in her drinking texting on her phone.

A couple minutes later we reached the mall door exit then I looked at my phone and 7:00 o'clock struck we rushed walking Fastly towards the car as I got in the drivers seat and the both got in the back together as I put the keys in the car and twisted it to start and pulled off.


Waiting for the girls to hurry up so we can get to the party as it was already 7:34 and girls always take forever to get dressed or they're taking selfies.

Most likely selfies. Then the door open ad I saw my best friend and her bestie looking 100% fantastic and I smiled as they posed over dramatically and I gave a little chuckle and walked to the car as Mar'Kisha followed behind me and Kendra turned off the lights before we left for the party.

Then she got in and I pulled off and drove a few blocks with no music playing on the radio.

Then we saw a long row of cars parked in front of jamar's house and a few blocks down so we parked I front on green and White House and we all got out and walked a few house down and saw everyone from last year in the 9th grade and really loud music and bright lights everywhere in the house as we walked in smiling and then the party began.

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