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Mar'Kisha's P.O.V

I heard a beeping. It sounded like a monitor. I tried to opened my eyes and tried to sit up. my back hurts like never before so does my leg. I had a headache and my face felt really bad. My throat was killing me. it hurt to breathe. I think I had bandages around my face. I try to scream but I have no voice. I was scared, actually petrified.

What would Connor say right now. CONNOR! Omg. I flipped my blanket off and tried to run but I couldn't see. as soon as my feet touch the ground I fell face first.

"I need a doctor!" I heard a familiar voice say

It was jamar. I tried to fight out of his grip but I felt other hands.

"It's okay baby girl. mommy is here." My mothers voice told me

I wanted to talk so much but I don't know why I couldn't. I hear the doctor asking me questions that I couldn't answer cause I couldn't talk.

"What happened that night? Are you okay? Can you hear me? What happened to you friends? The doctors will see you now."

He asked all those questions like the day was five days ago. he touches my head and ask am I okay. I nod and he unwraps my face like a Christmas present but gentle. I start to see the light and they were bright.

Every one is blurs moving around. then it starts to get clear after the doctor gives my eye drops. I see my mom coming in for a hug. I put my hand up to stop her. I stare at jamar. and I didn't care how much pain I was in I walked over to him and picked up the glass vase and smashed it on his head as I felt pleasure watching him fall to the ground bleeding.

Then I kicked him in his face as the doctor pulled me back I got one really good kick in his face then I spit on him. they put me in a wheel chair and roll me to the cafe.

"What is wrong with you?" The doctor ask
"He told us that he is you boyfriend and you brutally attack him." I shake my head no but he didn't understand me.

I point at my throat.

"Voice?" He said. I shook my head yes

I keep pointing at my throat and lips.

"Speak?" I shook my head yes

"You wanna speak to your throat?" It was like acting out charades is this do for dumb

I took the pen in his shirt pocket and wrote on his hand.

Why can't I speak? Where are my friends? I wanna see them. Did you find them? Are they okay?

He said "your friends are here. They are not okay but are being treated and you can't speak because you must have fell and when you did a massive amount of people must have trampled your airway so it'll be hard to breathe and you will have speak delays. and you can go see your friends just don't make any noise."

I can tell I wasn't going to like this doctor. he rolled my to room 651 that's funny because that's Connors favorite date. 6/5/01. I saw I laying down on the bed

"He died that night but we managed to bring him back. he has four broken ribs and bleeding in the heart. He looks like he'll only have 24 hours to live or if he get treated right he has 24 days."

He looked worst then I did. he had cuts on his face and arms. his lip was really busted, he didn't look like he was breathing but I knew he was because there was an awful sound coming from him.

I kissed his hand and felt tears come from my eyes. I placed his hand back in his chest. and I rolled myself to the next room but that ass he doctor caught me and rolled me to Derek's room.

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