First Day Of Problems

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{The Next Night}

I was sitting on the bench of my favorite place

"Make A Shake." I sighed in relief.

It's a nice, bright, clean place mainly for teens but people get what people want so there was alway one or to adults there but anyway it was where people can come in and make a milkshake or juices how ever they wanted.

Me when I needed to think I alway went there an took one scoop of Vanilla ice cream and two scoops of chocolate ice cream then I pushed it down into the swirling type cup then find the blender and put the cup under neath it and pressed the two button the I saw it mixing into a more liquid type substance and I looked over and got the Hershey chocolate syrup and started to pour it in the cup then stopped when I thought it was enough.

And then I pressed the red stop button and took my cup and went back over to the ice crem scoops and took one more vanilla and pressed it down in the cup, then I scanned the counter for the whip cream and chocolate sprinkles then I poured it on the top of the milkshake at the same time trying not to spill anything because my left hand always tend to do what my right hand did but anyway,

I finished up and went to the counter and paid $3.55 and went on my way as I heard something loud and annoying and felt vibrations and then I opened my eyes laying on the floor in the house I don't remember going into. My phone was ringing a 7:00am like it always does then I see myself in the surrounding of many people on the floor I look at my alarm that said


I felt my mouth drop and I stared up with a face of panic and unlocked my phone and went to my messages and found the one had 'best friend' labeling it then I typed as fast as I could

-"Where the hell are u? We have the first day of school today!" I waited for the reply while walking toward impatiently.

I dint get a text back so I started to look for Kendra but she was no where to be found then my phone rang, I jumped being startled I clicked the green button


"No need to get jumpy!" She snapped "Me and Keke are okay."

"Where are-" I was cut off as she said

"Starbucks." With no attitude

"Ok. It's not to far from here right?" I asked wanting to really know how I was getting home.

"No. it's literally down the block from that frat house." She insulted "I'm with keke. we looked for you but couldn't really see, cause the sun wasn't really up. Can you bring the car?"

"Yes." I said thankfully as I was already walking down the stairs out the house past the people pasted out starting to regain their own thought of mind and started to freak out running to there cars.

So as I was laughing I clicked the button unlocking the car I jumped in and as fast as I could I turned the keys and drove off feeling my stomach growling as I stopped at the red light and thought about what I well what we did last night because I really can't seem to remember anything from last night really hoping they did but I had a feeling they didn't.

The green light appeared and I drove into the lot as I beeped the horn looking at them from in the car, she looked at her phone and then looked at me then my phone received a message that said

-"Come in and get a wake up call."
I replied

-"not really in the mood. just wanna go to school." I tried to type depressingly

-"school is at 8:00." She replied
I look at my status bar it said {7:30}

-"I don't wanna take your car and leave you. let's go!"

They got up I'm guess with anger and came to the car

I asked "Do either of you remember what happen last nigh?"

They both glanced at each other keke biting her lip with a worried look on her face and Mar'Kisha looking concerned then finally the awkward silence was broken when she said

"We both were gonna ask you the same thing. That's why we wanted you to come inside." Said keke

"I have a bad feeling." said Mar'Kisha as u drove off.


Me, keke and Mar'Kisha standing next to each other walking into Brandswood high school together as happy as could be starting our high school year as 10th graders we smiling so hard.

We saw Lamont, jamar, derek, and a few other people from last year and middle school I walked over to my locker joyfully leaving there girls behind I had locker {650} keke had {653} and Mar'Kisha {652} and Derek had {651} Lamont had {599} as I opened my locker with the combination I saw pictures of me and Mar'Kisha and me and keke and me and Derek and other people also I put my books back in there so it'll look full again I was pasted my schedule by some teacher in a suit and he handed them theirs mines said...

History - mr. Wolfe, 8:15 - 9:15
Algebra - mrs. Caine, 9:15 - 10:11
Gym - mr. Harrison, 10:11 - 11:02
Art - mrs. Wolfe, 11:05 - 12:22
Lunch, 12:15 --
English - mr. Alfred, 12:54 -1:30
Science lab - ms. Jackson, 1:31 - 2:30
Study hall, 2:30 - 3:00

I have classes with Mar'Kisha in study hall, science, and gym.

Keke in math and study hall and history.

Lamont in English and study hall and art.

Derek in study hall and history and math.

jamar in gym and art and study hall and science.

I couldn't be more happier to be here with my friends as I heard them having a mini convo as I noticed Mar'Kisha and jamar was eyeing each other but he didn't like me and I didn't like him either in fact he hasn't wanted me to be friends with Mar'Kisha every since he told everyone he liked her since middle school but I surely did still go to his parties but any way u gave everyone a hug except for jamar and went to history with Lamont and Derek walking with them to class. and I thought to myself

"this year has me feeling some type of way. I can feel like something is gonna happen but I just don't know what it is."

But I got my mind off of it when Derek took my hand and sat down with me as Lamont said

"Goals!" While smiling.

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