chapter one

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~ the Salvatore siblings ~

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The two Salvatore brothers waited outside their estate to welcome Miss Katherine. Violetta Salvatore stood behind Damon, slightly peaking out to see the carriage approaching. Violetta was always a shy quieter girl and preferred to stay close to home and even closer to Damon.

The carriage stopped before the trio and Miss Katherine and her maid Emily stepped out. Katherine caught sight of the younger Salvatore girl, whose eyes widened and looked away. Stefan and Damon introduced themselves before the gorgeous girl, enticed by her beauty, in contrast to little Violetta, who stood back and watched.

"And who might this be?" Katherine questioned, looking over at Violetta, taking small steps towards the girl dressed in blue.

"This is our younger sister, Violetta," Damon told Katherine. Violetta stepped out completely from behind Damon to stand beside him and look at Katherine.

"Hello there, Violetta." Katherine said with a smirk. She was unaware of the Salvatore girl. It seemed that Mr. Salvatore hid her well. This made everything more interesting.

"Hello," Violetta responded quietly, looking up a Katherine.

"Miss Violetta!" Miss Marjorie called out Violetta's governess. "Come back inside. You have another lesson" Violetta bid her goodbyes to her brothers and gracefully walked back into the mansion.


Since Katherine Peirce entered the Salvatore's life, the two brothers have been distant from their younger sister.

Violetta had been busy with her lesson with Miss Marjorie. Her father hired her to help teach Violetta about being a lady and prepare her for marriage. Violette was about to turn 16, and her father believed that she should start courting when she turned 16 and wanted her to be married before 17. In Violetta's mind, she thought it was crazy and way too young to marry, but she would never oppose her father. She knew what would happen when she disagreed.

Damon had gone off to war which created a tearful goodbye from Violetta. For the months that he was away, Violetta felt alone and depressed. So when he returned early, she was ecstatic it was just in time for her birthday.

Violetta woke up over the moon on her birthday. Today Miss Marjorie let her have the day off from lessons to spend time with her brothers. Her maids got her dressed in one of her favourite light pink dresses with flowy sleeves and a billowy skirt. She practically bounced down the steps for breakfast, where her father greeted her, but her brothers were nowhere in sight.

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