chapter two

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~ the mikaelson's ~

A fortnight came, and the night of Violetta's courting ball commenced

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A fortnight came, and the night of Violetta's courting ball commenced. The ballroom was slowly starting to become packed with suitors and their families. Violetta was upstairs getting her final touches on her hair. Her dress was cream-coloured and made out of satin. She had white pearls draped across her waist and skirt, and gold fabric hung off her arms. She looked like an angel, with pure innocence.

Violetta descended the stairs into the ballroom with her uncle by her side. Her face showed no emotions. She didn't want to have to marry a man her uncle picked. She tried to find love on her own. She had come to terms with the fact that she would marry young, but she at least wanted to be with someone she loved, but now she won't.

Her uncle stayed by her side and introduced her to many men at the ball. Violetta was hardly paying attention to the men. She was just waiting for the ball to be over.

"Ahh, Niklaus! Elijah! I am so pleased to see you both here," her uncle's loud voice broke her out of her zoned-out trance.

"Well, we were in the area and thought we would stop by and visit our old friends," Niklaus said with a smile and shook hands with Joseph. Violetta was staring at the man named Niklaus. She found him quite handsome. His blue eyes were so vibrant she just couldn't look away.

"Well, I'm glad you made it. I would like to introduce you both to my niece, Violetta." Joseph said, gesturing towards Violetta beside him.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Niklaus said, picking up her hand and gently kissing it. Violetta's heartbeat picked up at his touch, her body heating up. "Niklaus Mikaelson," he said. "This is my brother Elijah" Niklaus dropped Violetta's hand, taking the warmth she felt with him.

"Violetta Salvatore," she introduced, curtsied and smiled at Niklaus.


The night had ended hours ago, but Violetta was still staring at her ceiling, thinking about Niklaus. There was something about the man that drew her in. She could only speak with him briefly during the ball as her uncle whisked her away to meet many other suitors.

The following day came, and Violetta was awakened by her maid informing her that her uncle wanted to speak with her in the study. Violetta quickly dressed and headed down to the study.

"Ahh, Violetta, come to take a seat. I have good news." Her uncle said, gesturing towards the seat in front of him, with a smile.

"What is it, uncle?"

"I have picked out the man you will marry" Violetta was surprised. The ball was only last night. How could he have possibly picked out a man already? She barely remembers the men she met.

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