chapter three

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~ the courtship ~

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The trip to England took seven days. The boat ride was quite exciting for Violetta. She had never left her home of Mystic Falls, nevertheless been on a boat. She spent those seven days on deck as much as possible, eyes scanning the vast ocean, watching as the sun bounced off the sea.

Niklaus spent those seven days observing Violetta from the upper deck. He watched as she waved to every boat that passed, even though they couldn't see her. She stood close to the edge of the boat leaning over the railing, too close for Niklaus' liking.

"Are you enjoying the boat ride?" Niklaus asked, walking up beside Violetta. She turned to him with a smile and nodded frantically before returning to look at the sea.
"Yes, it's amazing. I've never seen anything like it." she smiled and pointed to the ocean. "Look! There's fish!" Niklaus laughed at her excitement over fish.

"Yes, there's over millions of fish in the ocean, love." The nickname made her cheeks turn a rosy red. "And there is so much more in the world I can't wait to show you." Her eyes brighten.

"Really! Like what?"

"Well, it's a surprise," Klaus said. He came close to Violetta and wrapped an arm around her waist, twisting her body to press his chest against her back. Violetta was captivated by the man and couldn't look away from his deep blue eyes.

"Look," he whispered into her ear. She turned her head away from him and caught sight of the city coming into the horizon. "Welcome to London, darling."

Violetta was in awe of the sight before her. The vast, large city, the big buildings and castle and bridges.

"Oh my," she breathed out.


Niklaus led Violetta into a large, white-painted mansion. His hand rested softly on the small of her back, showing her around the extensive home.

Violetta had her eyes wide open, marvelling at the mansion. Its large foyer, with two rounding staircases, large pillars and floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Do you like it, darling?" Niklaus asked, looking at her innocently floating around the foyer.

"Oh, it is amazing, Nik!"

"This has been my family's home for years. And now it is yours." Violetta stared at him wide-eyed with a joyous smile on her face.

"Oh, Nik, thank you so much for welcoming me into your home." Violetta's smile was contagious, causing a small one to break out on Nik's face.

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