Chapter 1

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The bells of Notre Dame

The scene starts above the clouds, getting closer to the tall building that lay above it. As it gets closer it dives to below the clouds where a small town lies.
It then gets closer to the streets as a man starts singing.

"Morning in Paris, the city awakes to the bells of Notre Dame."
The screen goes farther into the streets of Paris, a woman throwing a bucket of water out of her window onto the streets.

"The fisherman fishes, the bakerman bakes through the bells of Notre Dame"
A fisherman sits on the ledge of the bridge fishing while the baker comes out of his bakery carrying bread, setting it in a cart.

"To the big bells as loud as thunder,"
The screen gets closer to Notre Dame as the bells ring.
"To the little bells soft as a psalm"

"And some say the soul of the city's the toll, of the bells"
The screen shifts back lower to the city as the bells toll again.
A cart with a Gypsy man inside sings as the children start to gather around.
"The Bells of Notre Dame."
The screen gets closer to the Gypsy.

"Listen. They're beautiful, no?" The man questions as the children look at him with interest.
"So many colors of sound, so many changing moods." He describes before getting closer to the children to continue his story.
"Because you know they don't ring all by themselves." He tells them, before backing up as a puppet appears on his hand.

"They don't?" The puppet asks. "No, you silly boy." He tells it before unveiling his curtain to Notre Dame. "Up there, high, high in the dark Bell Tower, lives the mysterious bellringer." He explains.
"Who is this creature?" He asks as his puppet copies him "Who?"

"What is he?"

"How did he come to be?"
The Gypsy hits the puppet to shut him up. "Hush."
The kids laugh at this as the puppet whines "Ow!"

"Clopin will tell you. It is a tale, a tale of a man…. And a monster…" Clopin the pulls the curtain over the screen, covering it in darkness before it reveals people rowing in a boat late at night.

"Dark was the night when our tail was begun on the docks near Notre Dame." The baby cries in the woman's arms as they continue down the river "Shut it up, will you?" The man next to the woman asks, worried of being caught. "We'll be spotted!" The other man rasps in panic as the woman looks down at her baby, trying to calm it "Hush little one."

"Four fighting gypsies slid silently under the docks near Notre Dame."
They all come to a stop at a snowy plane near Notre Dame. They get off slowly, trying not to alert anyone.
"Four guilders for safe passage into Paris." The boat keeper tells them with a smirk, before gasping as an arrow hits his staff.

"A Trap had been laid for the gypsies and they gazed up in fear and alarm."
The guards come down the steps , rushing to them with their weapons outstretched. The man pushes the man and woman behind him, trying to protect them from the guards.

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