Chapter 13

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The court of Miracles

Quasi watches Frollo's retreating figure in shock, his mouth hanging open before looking back as he hears groaning.
Phoebus gets up from the ground, a determined look on his face as he looks at Quasimodo. "Ah. We have to find the court of Miracles before daybreak. If Frollo gets there first- are you coming with me?" He questions Quasi as he leans against a pillar.

Quasi looks over at Phoebus before looking done hopelessly.
"I can't."

"I thought you were their friends? And didn't Mira help raise you?"  Phoebus questions him, his tone stern as he can't believe what he's hearing.
"Frollo's my master. I can't disobey him again." He tells him, wrapping his arms around himself as he looks away.
"They stood up for you. You've got a funny way of showing gratitude." Phoebus grits his teeth, hoping that will convince him. When he doesn't get a response he narrows his eyes at Quasi. "Well, I'm not going to sit by and watch Frollo massacre innocent people."

He then starts walking down the stairs, holding his limp arm. He then looks back at Quasi sharply "you do what you think is right." He tells him disappointedly before walking down the stairs leaving Quasi to think to himself.

Quasimodo looks over at the Gargoyles as they give him disappointed looks.
"What? What am I supposed to do? Go out there and rescue the girl from the- from the jaws of death? And the whole town will cheer like I'm some kind of a hero?" He rants, throwing his arms down in frustration.
"She already has her knight in shining armor, and it's not me." He finishes, sighing harshly. "Frollo was right. Frollo was right about everything. I'm tired of trying to be something that I'm not." He sighs tiredly.

Quasi looks down at the palm of his hand and traces it, like Damica did two nights ago. He then looks down sadly at the cindered pieces of Mira and Damica's dolls. He looks down his shirt and pulls out the necklace that Damica gave him the night he helped them Escape. He looks over as Laverne taps his shoulder, grabbing the cloak that she had. "I must be out of my mind." He says, pulling the cloak around him and rushing to Phoebus.

Phoebus opens the door of the church, about to walk out when Quasi appears in the doorway, hanging upside down.

"Ah!" Phoebus grasps his chest in fear, looking at Quasi with wide eyes as he pants. "Shhh! I'm coming with you!" He shushes, dropping down to the floor.
"Glad you changed your mind." Phoebus smiles while Quasi looks at him in irritation.
"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for the girls."
(Mind you Quasi has barley interacted with Esmeraldo in this)

"You know where they are?" Phoebus questions.
"No? But she said that this will help us find them." Quasi explained as he took the necklace off and handed it to Phoebus.
Phoebus grabs it and brings it up to inspect it "good, good, good. Ahh, great." He grins while looking at it before looking at it with widened eyes. "What is it?" He questions.

"I'm not sure." Quasi tells him as Phoebus narrows his eyes at the necklace. "Hmm. It must be some sort of code. Maybe it's arabic. No, no. It's not arabic. Maybe it's ancient Greek. "  Phoebus keeps guessing as he waves it in front of Quasimodo. Quasi looks down as he remembers what Damica said "when you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand."

"What?" Phoebus asks in confusion.  Quasi grabs it as he explains "it's the city."
"What are you talking about?" Phoebus questions further.
"It's a map. See, here's the cathedral and the river, and this little Stone must be-" Phoebus argues. "I've never seen a map that looks like-"
Quasi grabs it from him. "I've lived in a tower for 20 years. And I think I know what the city looks like from above."

"And this is it." "This is not it." They both finish, grasping the necklace.
They both breath in from frustration before sighing as he grumbled and looked away from each other.
"All right. Okay. If you say it's a map, fine. It's a map. If we're going to find our friends, we have to work together." Phoebus pats Quasi on the back as Quasi looks at him in surprise at his compliance.
"Truce?" He asks.

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