Chapter 15

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The final battle, and a happy ending

"Captain." Frollo yelled, gaining the new captain's attention.
"Sir?" He questioned with his sword raised.
"Seize the cathedral." Frollo ordered.

Back with Quasi, Esmeraldo, and Mira.

Quasimodo guides Esmeraldo to a room, opening it to reveal an unused bedroom.
Esmeraldo goes over to the bed and gently sets her down on it, laying her head on the pillow.
"Don't worry. You'll be safe here." Quasimodo tells Mira, thinking she was playing possum.
Soldiers yelling got The two Male's attention.

Quasimodo looked back at the opened door before looking at Mira. "Go. I'll watch over her." Esmeraldo tells him. Quasimodo looks into his eyes, seeing the honesty and care he had for Mira and nodded. Quasimodo quickly goes out the door, closing it behind him so smoke couldn't go into the room. Quasi slides down to a lower floor where a huge bowl of molten lava was. Quasi goes over to one of the wooden logs and throws it over the edge where the soldiers were, it crashing into Frollo's cart.

Frollo jumps back in fear, as he was just about to enter said cart watching horrified as he horse ran off. He then glared at the retreating soldier and ran up the steps of Notre Dame.
"Come back, you cowards!" He shouts in rage before tugging the sword from the captain.
"You, men, pick up that beam. Break down the door!"" He commanded.

Multiple soldiers left their posts, going to the beam leaving one guard to stand by Phoebus's cage.
Phoebus then puts his arm around the guy's neck "Alone at last." He tells him before biting him over the head, denting the metal hat on his head.

As the soldier collapses Phoebus grabs the keys to the cages.
He breaks out of the cage, grabbing a spear and hopping on to the cage, gaining the citizens attention.
"Citizens of Paris! Frollo has persecuted our people, ransacked our city! Now he has declared war on Notre Dame herself! Will we allow it?" He questioned at the end of his speech.

The people shouted no before freeing all the Gypsies from their cages, crowding around Notre Dame.

"I think the cavalry's here. Hey isn't that…. feeble?" Hugo asked.
"Doofus." Laverne insulted Hugo.
"Phoebus!" Quasimodo shouted in relief.

Phoebus punches a guard in the face, the guard collapsing as he teeth got knocked out.

Quasimodo slides a stone slab off the edge, watching as it hit a guard who was trying to climb up Notre Dame.
Victor nervously holds a brick over the edge, humming before dropping it. A guard looks up only to get smashed down as the brick lands on top of him.
"Sorry. Sorry " Victor says apologetically.

Hugo munches on some stone before flying around making airplane noises as he flies. He goes over to the edge shooting out the pellets of stone like a bebe gun.
Multiple guards back away in fear at this.

"Harder!" Frollo yells, watching his guards try to break the door down.

Quasi sees a few guards climbing a rope on the side of the church, going over and unhooks the rope from the side. The guards scream in fear as they fall towards the water of the river.

Victor and Hugo push off a cart towards the street, watching as it hits the ground.
"Are you sure that's how it works?" Victor asks in confusion as it only landed in front of the guards.
The thing then snaps back onto the guards like a mouse trap. Victor winces while Hugo laughs.
"Works for me!"
Victor and Hugo smile at each other.

Phoebus and a guard swing their weapons at each other, gritting their teeth and growing. Phoebus then gets the upper hand and goes under and up to tie the fabric of his suit around his head.  Djali with Bandit on his back hits the guard in the back, sending him flying into the air before tumbling onto the ground behind Achilles.
"Achilles, sit." Phoebus commands as he chokes a guard under his arm.

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