Chapter 2 : One of a kind

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            I try my best to hide the obvious Deja vu-induced anxiety attack I was having. My eyes still closed, almost as if paralyzed from the familiarity of the unknown. My left fist balled up so firmly, I thought the clasp to my watch would snap open. Jaw clenched to the tightest setting a human mouth can endure. I muster up what little remains of my courage, sigh indefinitely and open my eyes slowly. My vision re-calibrating the best they could after enduring such a beverage. A dark clothed body figure with long blonde hair approaches my side of the bar. My vision getting increasingly more detailed with each pace forward.

"Another Michelob ULTRA, James?" I hear Kat mutter instinctively without even as much as a glance upward up from the cashier's screen.

"You know it" he responded in a scratchy exhausted voice.

After some moments my sight clears up only to reveal an older gentleman with long blonde hair dressed in what seemed to be biker-type clothing. The smell of burnt cigarettes and overused clothing soon filled the area of the bar in which I decided to spend my night in. I can only assume that's how Kat noticed who she was talking to without the need to look up at all.

He plopped himself down on the stool next to me and began scoffing down the bottle almost to completion leaving about one-third behind only to take a breath.

Without warning or any regard to my personal boundaries he looked toward me and spoke impulsively,

"The names James. James Bellamy. Been coming to this here boozer since I was bout yay-high". Only gesturing about 3 inches under his current height.

Noticing he made a joke but too drunk to respond coherently, I let out the most hospitable sober grin I could without saying a word.

"Ahh off the yak I see, mind on sharing the secret to that there cup with an old 'timer such as me" he questioned.

Just barely making sense of what he had asked me, I pointed over to the top shelf where I was sure Kat pulled the bottle out from. He opened his eyes wider than a door being flung open by hurricane winds.


"Why not just order yourself a glass then?" I asked confusedly.

"Ahhhh she's always yappin on about how the previous owner wanted that bottle to be meant only for the rarest of occasions. No matter the holliday or happy hour we're in, im always denied a taste.  So, how'd you make her give it to you? You have got to let me in on it. I BEG YOU! Not on my knees but as a free man from one *hiccup* solo wolf to another" He pleaded.

Just before I had any time to muster up any type of response, Kat springs out from the back with empty dishes in each hand and says to James in an authoritative tone,

"I decide what occasion is worthy of that bottle up there. He isn't from around these parts and for him to travel all the way down here just for a drink. He obviously needed it more than anyone else who waltzes up in here every other afternoon. Aint nobody making me serve something I don't want to serve. So that's that!".

Perplexed at the bickering unfolding before me, I decide it's time for a quick smoke before deciding if I'm ready to call it a night or order another round. I try my absolute best to regain my composure. The floor might as well be a million miles away. Very cautiously I place one foot after the other firmly on the semi-scratched, polished original wooden flooring with one hand on the edge of the bar and the other hand free should the need for extra support arise, take a deep much needed breath and mumble to she who makes the spirits,

"I'll be back, just running out for a quick smoke Kat." I assured.

"I'll need some I'D to hold if you're going to step out hun, pub policy". She responded.

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