Chapter 4: Pebbles on the Shore

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I clenched the mysterious ring in my fist within my jacket pocket so tight I could feel the veins in my arm swell with blood. Under no circumstances would I let this ring elude my senses again. ever so impatiently I voice over to James,

"Old 'timer... outside you mentioned never seeing anyone have a taste of that drink since someone... or something in your past. You never specified what exactly. Mind sharing the rest of that thought with a young blood like myself?"

He eyeballed up over in my direction without ever moving a muscle. His posture still aiming in front of him where his drink sat. The final dying flickers of the fire that had once kept everyone in the The Vaguely Cup toasty and warm reflecting off the corners of his eyes. Let out a big sigh and spoke...

"I've known a curious type like yourself before. I may just be an old drunk, but I have seen a thing or two and I gotta tell ya... your much like him. Always curious about the next piece of whatever puzzle you're working out in that there head of yours. *hiccup*."

Barely keeping down the cheap beer he drank he continues,

"Sometimes things are better left unanswered. Some questions should remain a mystery or they will eat at you slowly. Just like it did to him."

"Who?!"I asked.

Disregarding my dire need for the truth once again he rambles on,

"I used to run with some hippy types back in my day who used to live by the simple phrase 'Curiosity killed the cat.' and another group who liked to argue 'but the satisfaction brought it back'."

Slamming my left hand on the aged woodgrain countertop in front of me, I demanded that James answer my question.

"JAMES! Look at me... who was the other man that had a drink from the bottle that sits upon the top shelf?"

Noticing the scorching determination in my eyes, the intensity of my stare and the firmness of my left hand resting upon the bar countertop, it is now clear to him that I will never stop trying to uncover the truth. I suppose James thought it best not to prolong the curiosity any longer.

Meeting my gaze, he takes a deep breath and says in a completely monotone voice,

"Zeke... his name was Zeke."

At the mere mention of his name, Kat's entire body tenses up. If I didn't know any better, I would say she had seen a ghost.

"Zekey used to come in here almost as often as ol' Jamesey here. As mellow and socially open as he was, those with any sense could see that he missed something greatly. He would drink until he blacked out almost as if all he wanted to be laid out on that there canvas. Knocked out, catching some Z's. He would often sit with his eyes closed at this very bar stool whenever he slammed down his third or fourth drink. Smiled to himself as if he was replaying his favorite memory time and time again *hiccup*. When the smile vanished and his eyes opened, you'd see nothing but despair and loneliness even when surrounded by friends of plenty. Yeahh... Zekey was one a wild card he was. Could go drink for drink with me. Hate to admit it but... might even have me beat when it comes to how much we can drink. But no matter how many spirits we drank and spilled or laughs we shared till the break of dawn, there was always.... *hiccup* always... uhh.. "

"Always another layer to who he was" Kat interrupted.

"That's why I opted in to giving him a taste of the bottle we keep hidden away forever and always. Hoping it would help peel the layers back to his persona. All it took was one drink. Similar to the one I served you Puddin, but Zekes almost always favored pineapple juice mixed with his alcohol no matter the type. Iv never seen him smile so wide, aint even have time to knockout elsewhere he just plopped down right where he sat. For hours even after quitting time after everyone else was long gone I stayed with him. Made sure aint nothing bad happen to my sweet lil' Zekes."

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